From the Cult of the dead cow...
"Veilid allows anyone to build a distributed, private app. Veilid will give users the privacy to opt out of data collection, and online tracking. Veilid is being built with user experience, privacy, and safety as our top priority."
This looks very interesting and a refreshing bit of tech news!
#veilid #privacy #security #comunication #mobile
#veilid #privacy #security #comunication #mobile
This show of body art wants to give a message. Can You understand the message? Try to answer, it's Not so simple.
#art #comunication #bodyart #message
⭕ Element - Una herramienta de comunicación genial, que trabaja con el protocolo Matrix.
#lifehacks #pyme #comunication
A Guide to Alternative Handwriting and Shorthand Systems
TIL: the IPA(international phonetic alphabet) is based on efforts of Alexandar Graham Bell's father.
Also short hand systems and the ipa have more in comon then I expected. Throughout comunication systems there is a common trade off between verbosity, speed, and complexity. This also has ties into linguistics comunication and information theory.
#comunication #linguistics #handwriting
#comunication #linguistics #handwriting