Today's Lighthouse....(Thursday)
Castle Hill Lighthouse
#CastleHillLighthouse is located on #NarragansettBay in #Newport, #RhodeIsland at the end of the historic Ocean Drive. It is an active navigation aid for vessels entering the East Passage, between #ConanicutIsland and #AquidneckIsland.
See it here:
#Photography #ArtforSale #ArtMatters #BuyIntoArt #Lighthouse #AYearForArt #Fedigiftshop #Puzzle #Prints #WallArt #InteriorDesign
#castlehilllighthouse #narragansettbay #newport #rhodeisland #conanicutisland #aquidneckisland #photography #artforsale #artmatters #buyintoart #lighthouse #ayearforart #fedigiftshop #puzzle #prints #wallart #interiordesign
Today's Lighthouse (Sunday)
#BeavertailLighthouse was built in 1856 and is the premier lighthouse in #RhodeIsland, marking the entrance to #NarragansettBay. The 64-foot lighthouse lies on the southernmost point of #ConanicutIsland in the town of #Jamestown in #BeavertailStatePark
See it here:
#Photography #AYearForArt #Lighthouse ##ArtMattters #BuyintoArt #ArtforSale #Fedigiftshop #Puzzles #interiorDesign #WallArt
#beavertaillighthouse #rhodeisland #narragansettbay #conanicutisland #jamestown #beavertailstatepark #photography #ayearforart #lighthouse #artmattters #buyintoart #artforsale #fedigiftshop #puzzles #interiordesign #wallart