Orrr. Die Osram Lightify Lampen sind entweder mittlerweile kaputt oder müssen regelmäßig vom Strom getrennt werden. Jede noch so billige Zigbeelampe hier ist zuverlässiger als der Krempel von Osram. (Lightify ist eh Geschichte) #homebridge #osram #conbee #phoscon
#homebridge #osram #conbee #phoscon
So, habe nun einen #ConBee II bestellt, dazu #Aqara Temperatursensoren (3 an der Zahl) und hoffe das alles mit meinem #HASS (Home Assistant) verbinden zu können, der auf einer #Synology #DiskStation läuft und mit #DSM 7 aber gar keine #USB Sticks mehr unterstützt (wo es aber Anleitungen gibt, das wieder zum Laufen zu bringen).
Also ein komplettes Setup, was an jeder Stelle manuelle Eingriffe benötigt.
#usb #dsm #diskstation #synology #hass #aqara #conbee
@damacus I'm not sure ZigBee supports multiple coordinators in a single network? I've got a single #Zigbee coordinator (#Conbee) relaying using #Zigbee2MQTT for better availability to work around that issue.
Hey folks, I have a #RaspberryPi and want to use it to connect with some smart devices.
#SONOFF #Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle or #ConBee II Zigbee USB gateway for a #SmartHome newbie like me?
#raspberrypi #sonoff #zigbee #conbee #smarthome
Anybody out there with real world experience migrating Home Assistant from a RaspberryPi to the docker image?
I picked up a used Intel NUC and want to make this happen.
Just want to avoid any great headaches.
Especially looking for reassurance that my whole ZigBee setup (Conbee, deCONZ, Node-RED) migrates also. I really don't want to have to rebuild all of that...
#nodered #conbee #deCONZ #raspberrypi #homeassistant
Nice, two new sensors for temperature and humidity arrived. Super small packaging for once, and the #conbee 2 #zigbee dongle recognized them right away and now they show up in my #homeassistant setup.
That was a pleasant surprise, but usually things work fine with homeassistant as long as they support zigbee or bluetooth.
#homeassistant #zigbee #conbee
Just ordered lots of Kobolds for my #homeassistant and #conbee based smart light control 🤪