Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
263 followers · 5247 posts · Server
José Manuel Barros · @Barros_heritage
479 followers · 111 posts · Server

"‘No more cover-up’: Nazi concentration camps on Channel Island finally to be officially investigated" by Martin Bright and Antony Barnett.

"It has been established that at least one transit of hundreds of French Jews was housed in one camp on the island having been transported there from the Drancy transit camp in Paris, where Jews were rounded up and sent on to Auschwitz during the German occupation of France".

"Professor Anthony Glees, security and intelligence expert and formerly adviser to the war crimes inquiry in the Home Office, told the Observer that the Pickles investigation is vital. “I would be surprised if the numbers killed by the Nazis either in Alderney or transported from Alderney on to extermination camps in Europe did not run into thousands,” he said".


#theguardian #channelisland #concentrationcamps #nazi #ww2 #archaeology #warcrimes #negativeheritage #heritage

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
250 followers · 5001 posts · Server
Uwe B · @Uwe_B
0 followers · 129 posts · Server

That matches!
, the crucially responsible for the 1973 in , including the establishment of , , and , and the who maintain including and . People are meeting with common interests.

#kissinger #criminal #coup #chile #concentrationcamps #torture #murder #rape #chinese

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
190 followers · 4272 posts · Server
Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
181 followers · 4180 posts · Server
punko · @punko
564 followers · 1545 posts · Server

I would have worn a Red Triangle in the Nazi’s concentration camps.

#thoughts #wwii #concentrationcamps #nazis

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1305 followers · 2936 posts · Server

Today in Labor History June 2, 1945: World War II: The segregated, all-Nisei U.S. 522nd Field Artillery Battalion stopped a death march from Dachau to the Austrian border. As a result, they saved several hundred prisoners. Ironically (and criminally), back in the states, most Nisei (Japanese-Americans) were living in concentration camps.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #WorldWar2 #concentrationcamps #dachau #antisemitism #AntiAsianHate #racism #fascism #nazis #nisei

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Aydın-Aitchison · @Andy8chi
1227 followers · 588 posts · Server

Picking up on research set aside after the pandemic started

Considering detention camps in Herzegovina under the authority of HVO between 1993 and 1994.

The starting point in an early (2018) working paper:

Still a long way to go on this one!

#bih #research #crimesagainsthumanity #warcrimes #concentrationcamps #detentioncamps #criminology #atrocity

Last updated 1 year ago

Stiké · @stike
47 followers · 981 posts · Server
Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
157 followers · 3230 posts · Server
Podcasts and Vodcasts · @podcastbot
1 followers · 856 posts · Server

Skeptoid #145: FEMA Prison Camps by Brian Dunning A skeptical look at the claim that FEMA maintains a network of prison camps in readiness.

#fema #prisoncamps #concentrationcamps #illuminati #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot

Last updated 1 year ago

IHC · @IHChistory
288 followers · 395 posts · Server

📰 Victor Barros e Luís Farinha foram entrevistados pela Gerador acerca da história do campo de concentração do , em Cabo Verde.

"“Essa ideia de ilha como espaço insular e que serve como prisão e ao mesmo tempo como espaço que, criando uma prisão no interior desse espaço insular, configurava uma dupla prisão”, indica Víctor Barros."

A reportagem completa pode ser lida aqui:

#tarrafal #histodons #concentrationcamps #colonialism #dictatorships #historyonthemedia

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Russell · @kevinrns
1834 followers · 13538 posts · Server


I would hope the NWHN would also train for smash and grab operations to break women out of jail, tansport women across state lines, hide and find papers for women on the run from fascist States like or .

Mission Impossible, (She/Her)

A denial of any intention to train for, plan or carry out such missions is the best response.

#concentrationcamps #prisonbreak #escape #rights #Choice #women #statelines #preistpolice #goons #transport #breakout #smashandgrab #Florida #idaho

Last updated 2 years ago

Freedom2B · @Freedom2B
69 followers · 480 posts · Server

Concentration Camp Food: Bread

150 grams, once per day.

* rye grain
* sugar beets
* sawdust
* leaves, straw

Joseph O'Donnell was a POW in a German detention camp.

#concentrationcamps #hitler #holocaust #food #bread

Last updated 2 years ago

punko · @punko
486 followers · 3684 posts · Server
Freedom2B · @Freedom2B
62 followers · 564 posts · Server

We have had discriminatory laws and policies since 1619. We have had for ed la our camps where torture was practised and murder was common. We are once again seeing the rise in laws and hate against LGBTQ People. We areiving through another era of book bans - this time accompanied by library closure. Strictures are being placed on education.

If these incidents don't sound familiar to you as a collective, I suggest looking up and reading Heather Dune Macadam's "999" and Judy Batalion's THE LIGHT OF DAYS.

We have already been at the point where whatever you promised yourself that you would do if the Holocaust were to happen again is calling your name. Right now.

I'm serious. You need to start doing things.

A side note that this didn't start with transgender people. It started with Black People, Native Americans, and People of Colour. One of the biggest wake-up moments was when a wealthy bigot who had access to unimaginable wealth descended a golden staircase and promised to attack Mexican People.

There is a new Now Also This.

"House Bill 20, a measure by state Representative Matt Schaefer, a right-wing Republican from Tyler, that would create a state 'Border Protection Unit' with officers who are empowered to 'arrest, detain, and deter individuals crossing the border illegally including with the use of non-deadly force.'

"Under this bill, officers would be allowed to repel and return migrants back to Mexico or arrest individuals seen crossing the border between ports of entry, which would become a state felony that could carry harsh prison sentences under the bill. Schaefer’s legislation would codify and expand prior orders by Governor Greg Abbott—like granting National Guard soldiers the power to detain migrants—that have blatantly tested the limits of state authority.

"The special unit, to be housed within the Texas Department of Public Safety and run by a gubernatorial appointee, could hire a militia-style cadre of officers empowered to enforce these laws—with immunity from any civil or criminal liability. The bill also states that the unit could employ private citizens 'to participate in unit operations and functions' who could be deputized with arresting authority if 'trained and specifically authorized by the governor.'"

This doesn't require explanation. We all know what this is.

Make your plans of action (contact politicians, write letters to the editor, post to social media, donate to affected people and groups, etc), and start taking action.

#fascism #stateofdemocracy #nazis #concentrationcamps #discrimination #slavery #republicans #texas #mattschaeffer #militias #immigration #hate #bigotry #antisemitism #racism

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Forrester - 🐦 Refugee · @RichForrest2
111 followers · 1634 posts · Server
Jim Wald · @CitizenWald
1156 followers · 2642 posts · Server

Josef Čapek (1887-1945) was a major artist-illustrator also credited with coining the term, , used in the play R.U.R., by his younger brother Karel (1890-1938).

He managed to continue some of hist artistic activity in , but finally perished in Bergen-Belsen.

He died in April 1945, but the precise date is unknown.

As he also has no grave, this simple and powerful monument in Prague's Náměstí Míru honors his memory

#czech #robot #nazi #concentrationcamps

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Francis Sedgemore · @hesgen
449 followers · 1216 posts · Server