I am totally astounded by what I read when I compare these two texts: Maria Graham's description of the coastal #uplift due to the 1822 #Valparaiso #earthquake, versus Charles Darwin's text on very similar phenomena related to the 1835 #Concepci贸n earthquake.
Read carefully, paying attention to the expressions used. It's like if #Darwin borrowed Maria Graham's words, but also her interpretation about the accumulation of earthquakes raising the coast on the long term. 馃
Any comment ?
Both 1822 and 1835 earthquakes happened in Central #Chile on the #subduction #megathrust between Nazca and South America #tectonic_plates. Darwin's description, based on Fitz Roy (Beagle's captain) observations, is considered as seminal.
Thanks @haq for pointing me to the work by Maria Graham.
#uplift #valparaiso #concepci贸n #darwin #chile #subduction #tectonic_plates #earthquake #megathrust
Leo que tembl贸 magnitud 6,2 cerca de Lebu VIII regi贸n, ac谩 en la III no se sinti贸 nadita nada 驴C贸mo estuvo el meneo en #Santiago? #FuerteTemblor #Lebu #Concepci贸n #Chile
I read that there was a magnitude 6.2 tremor near Lebu VIII region, here in III region nothing was felt at all. How was the shaking in #Santiago? #Earthquake #Lebu #Concepci贸n #Chile
#santiago #FuerteTemblor #Lebu #concepci贸n #Chile #earthquake
RT @rsumen@twitter.com
Manifestaci贸n contra el TPP11 esta tarde en #Concepci贸n frente a la delegaci贸n presidencial del Biob铆o, exigi茅ndole al presidente Boric retire el proyecto del Senado
RT @rsumen@twitter.com
Manifestaci贸n contra el TPP11 esta tarde en #Concepci贸n frente a la delegaci贸n presidencial del Biob铆o, exigi茅ndole al presidente Boric retire el proyecto del Senado
RT @th1an1@twitter.com
Scenes from #Chile on Friday.
A female protester was brutally beaten inside a police vehicle.
Once again a cop fired tear gas directly at protesters.
Fireworks & barricades in #Concepci贸n.
A police vehicle was attacked with molotovs in #Antofagasta.
#chile #concepci贸n #antofagasta #LibertadALxsPresxsPoliticos
El #9dic de 1758 nace en Caracas Mar铆a de la Concepci贸n Palacios y Blanco, madre de Sim贸n Bol铆var. A los quince a帽os de edad cas贸 con Juan Vicente Bol铆var y Ponte. Los Palacios siempre fueron gente de buen gusto. A do帽a Mar铆a de la Concepci贸n le apasionaba la m煤sica, tocaba la flauta con delicadeza, sobre todo en las veladas familiares. Muri贸 muy joven, a los 34 a帽os de edad, dejando hu茅rfanos a Mar铆a Antonia, Juana, Juan Vicente y Sim贸n Bol铆var.
#9dic #ANEsPoderPopular #concepci贸n #trinidadytobago
manifestaci贸n contra el #sename en #Concepci贸n
#nomassename #Tribunales https://t.co/ciqe8dAvAi https://twitter.com/rsumen/status/1297947752186486787
#tribunales #NoMasSename #concepci贸n #SENAME
#cacerolazo en #Concepci贸n Nongu茅n en apoyo a los presos pol铆ticos mapuche en Huelga de hambre https://t.co/gOuYld2jWY https://twitter.com/rsumen/status/1294421369833295872
Barricades for the Liberation of Political #Prisoners in #Concepci贸n, #Chile - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/07/25/barricades-for-the-liberation-of-political-prisoners-in-concepcion-chile/ #antireport
#antireport #Chile #concepci贸n #prisoners
#Chile, #Concepci贸n: On remand, accused of burning down the local headquarters of the #UDI - #Prisoners #EstoNoHaTerminado #ChileDesperto #ChileResiste #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/02/17/chile-concepcion-on-remand-accused-of-burning-down-the-local-headquarters-of-the-udi/
#antireport #ChileResiste #ChileDesperto #EstoNoHaTerminado #prisoners #udi #concepci贸n #Chile
#Concepci贸n, #Chile: In prison Ignacio is being accused of carrying ammunition during the revolt - #ChileResiste #ChileDesperto #Prisoners #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/12/31/concepcion-chile-in-prison-ignacio-is-being-accused-of-carrying-ammunition-during-the-revolt/
#antireport #prisoners #ChileDesperto #ChileResiste #Chile #concepci贸n
#Chile: Communiqu茅 of the Provincial Assembly of #Concepci贸n - #ChileDesperto #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/11/18/chile-communique-of-the-provincial-assembly-of-concepcion/
#antireport #ChileDesperto #concepci贸n #Chile