01 Net: Mercedes montre son désintérêt pour l’entrée de gamme au salon de Munich https://www.01net.com/actualites/mercedes-montre-son-desinteret-pour-lentree-de-gamme-au-salon-de-munich.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Voitureélectrique #Autoconnectée #conceptcar #Mercedes
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #voitureelectrique #autoconnectee #conceptcar #mercedes
Erøde: Electric Car Concept by Jason Battersby & Klaud Wasiak https://theinspirationgrid.com/erode-electric-hot-rod-concept-by-jason-battersby-klaud-wasiak/ #Design #IndustrialDesign #DesignInspiration #DesignInspo #ConceptCar #inspiration #InspirationGrid
#design #industrialdesign #designinspiration #designinspo #conceptcar #inspiration #inspirationgrid
Design Milk : A Transparently Modern Reimagining of the 30-Year-Old Renault Twingo https://design-milk.com/a-transparently-modern-reimagining-of-the-30-year-old-renault-twingo/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-transparently-modern-reimagining-of-the-30-year-old-renault-twingo #automotivedesign #PatrickLeQuément #SabineMarcelis #Technology #automobile #conceptcar #re:design #concept #Renault #Main #car
#automotivedesign #patricklequement #sabinemarcelis #technology #automobile #conceptcar #re #concept #renault #main #car
Design Milk : TELO is a Tiny Electric Truck With Big Load Capacity and 350-Miles Range https://design-milk.com/telo-electric-truck/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=telo-electric-truck #electricvehicle #transportation #fuseproject #Technology #conceptcar #YvesBehar #concept #truck #Main #TELO #EV
#electricvehicle #transportation #fuseproject #technology #conceptcar #yvesbehar #concept #truck #main #telo #ev
The #Kia EV9, except it's a hastily photoshopped 7 seat stationwagon. #conceptcar
01 Net: Un coupé sportif qui se transforme en pickup : Activesphere est la réponse d’Audi au Cybertruck de Tesla https://www.01net.com/actualites/un-coupe-sportif-qui-se-transforme-en-pickup-activesphere-est-la-reponse-daudi-au-cybertruck-de-tesla.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Voitureélectrique #Autoconnectée #conceptcar #Audi
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #voitureelectrique #autoconnectee #conceptcar #audi
Vous vous souvenez du prototype de voiture à hydrogène, la #Māchina, dont nous vous avions parlé en novembre ? Le carrosse semble se transformer en citrouille. Qui aurait pu prévoir, comme dirait Emmanuel Macron ?
→ https://reflets.info/articles/hopium-apres-les-vapeurs-du-mondial-de-paris
01 Net: Peugeot Inception : voilà à quoi ressembleront les Peugeot électriques en 2025 https://www.01net.com/actualites/peugeot-inception-voila-a-quoi-ressembleront-les-peugeot-electriques-en-2025.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Voitureélectrique #Autoconnectée #conceptcar #CES2023 #Peugeot
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #voitureelectrique #autoconnectee #conceptcar #ces2023 #Peugeot
01 Net: BMW i Vision Dee : le concept car délirant qui change d’aspect et parle à son conducteur https://www.01net.com/actualites/bmw-i-vision-dee-le-concept-car-delirant-qui-change-daspect-et-parle-a-son-conducteur.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Autoconnectée #conceptcar #CES2023 #BMW
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Autoconnectée #conceptcar #ces2023 #BMW
Ars Technica: BMW is developing a full-screen head-up display for 2025’s Neue Klasse https://arstechnica.com/?p=1907504 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #augmentedrealityheads-updisplay #BMWiVisionCircular #augmentedreality #heads-updisplay #BMWconceptcar #BMWiVisionDee #BMWNeueKlasse #infotainment #conceptcar #CES2023 #Cars #BMW
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #augmentedrealityheads #BMWiVisionCircular #augmentedreality #heads #BMWconceptcar #BMWiVisionDee #BMWNeueKlasse #infotainment #conceptcar #ces2023 #cars #BMW
BMW is developing a full-screen head-up display for 2025’s Neue Klasse - Enlarge / On the left, BMW's 2021 i Vision Circular concept; on the rig... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1907504 #augmentedrealityheads-updisplay #bmwivisioncircular #augmentedreality #heads-updisplay #bmwconceptcar #bmwivisiondee #bmwneueklasse #infotainment #conceptcar #ces2023 #cars #bmw
#bmw #cars #ces2023 #conceptcar #infotainment #bmwneueklasse #bmwivisiondee #bmwconceptcar #heads #augmentedreality #bmwivisioncircular #augmentedrealityheads
Mercedes built a concept car for Avatar, and we drove it - Enlarge / Many concepts are static models, but Mercedes-Benz built one ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1903641 #gaming&culture #mercedes-benz #jamescameron #mercedeseqe #mercedeseqs #conceptcar #avatar2 #avatar #cars #navi
#navi #cars #avatar #avatar2 #conceptcar #mercedeseqs #mercedeseqe #jamescameron #mercedes #gaming
<strong>El Ferrari Vision GT se suma a las celebraciones del 25 aniversario de Gran Turismo</strong>
El Ferrari Vision Gran Turismo, el primer concept car de la marca italiana concebido para el mundo de la competición virtual.
Sony Interactive Entertainment, Polyphpony
#Noticias #ConceptCar #Ferrari #FerrariVisionGT #GranTurismo #PolyphonyDigital #SonyInteractiveEntertainment(SIE)
#conceptcar #ferrari #ferrarivisiongt #granturismo #polyphonydigital #sonyinteractiveentertainment #noticias
Remember when covering the wheels was all the rage? Wild times.
RT @Radically_Retro@twitter.com
1983 Ford Probe IV Concept
#ford #concept #design #80s #80sdesign #conceptcar #probe #cardesign #car
#ford #concept #design #80s #80sdesign #conceptcar #probe #cardesign #car
My Heavy Metal Garage #comic double page with BMW E25 #ConceptCar
#ilustration all in glorious gray tone.
#ilustration #conceptcar #comic
My Heavy Metal Garage #comic double page with BMW E25 #ConceptCar
All in glorious gray tone.
One of my favorite moments in tech history: The Gyro-X-1967 was a gyroscope stabilized motorcycle that exhibits drive characteristics like a car despite having only two wheels.
#gyro-x #motorcycle #techhistory #tech #automotive #conceptcar
#gyro #motorcycle #TechHistory #tech #automotive #conceptcar
Why do car companies build concepts? We ask Audi’s product planner
#Audigrandsphere #AudiUrbansphere #MontereyCarWeek #AudiPB18e-tron #Audiskysphere #conceptcars #conceptcar #thequail #Cars #Aud
#Audigrandsphere #AudiUrbansphere #MontereyCarWeek #AudiPB18e #Audiskysphere #conceptcars #conceptcar #thequail #cars #AUD
Why do car companies build concepts? We ask Audi’s product planner - Enlarge / From left to right, the Skysphere, the Grandsphere, and the U... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1883205 #audigrandsphere #audiurbansphere #montereycarweek #audipb18e-tron #audiskysphere #conceptcars #conceptcar #thequail #cars #aud
#aud #cars #thequail #conceptcar #conceptcars #audiskysphere #audipb18e #montereycarweek #audiurbansphere #audigrandsphere