The upcoming #koselleck100 inspired many publications on #conceptualhistory, #theoryofhistory and #memorystudies. In tomorrow's celebrations at Bielefeld University among publications by Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann (#suhrkamp) and Lisa Regazzoni (BiUP), and the KOMPOSITA blog, our editors @sschwandt and Jan Ifversen will introduce the spring issue of #Contributions (18/1). Have a look at the TOC in the forthcoming issue:
#contributions #suhrkamp #memorystudies #theoryofhistory #conceptualhistory #koselleck100
Great news: The summer school series on #conceptualhistory expands and goes to Istanbul! History of #Concepts in the Bengal to Balkans Complex! A Summer Academy at the Orient-Institut Istanbul, co-organized with a number of colleagues and generously supported by several institutions. For more information, visit:
We are happy to share a new publication from our friends for all the Spanish-speaking #conceptual historians: the latest issue of Conceptos Históricos (Vol. 7, No. 12, 2021) is out! The entire journal is #openaccess, so check it out ▶️
#conceptualhistory #conceptoshistóricos
#conceptoshistoricos #conceptualhistory #openaccess #conceptual