#Kinostart Mit bitterbösem Humor entwirft Idan Haguel in #ConcernedCitizen" eine Parabel über das Bedürfnis nach Selbstverwirklichung, über unhinterfragte Privilegien und tief sitzende Vorurteile
RT @merelyashley@twitter.com
I would like to know if Judge Michael Stading has a statement regarding what the power outage in Moore County, NC. I am a bit concerned he was mentioned by this group after recent events #ncpoweroutage #moorecountync #MooreCountyPowerOutage #concernedcitizen
#ncpoweroutage #moorecountync #moorecountypoweroutage #concernedcitizen
For real, are bathroom breaks in between jingles? #concernedcitizen #TYFYC #10yearsOfAdamAndJohn
#concernedcitizen #tyfyc #10yearsofadamandjohn