Jimmy Buffett Hospitalized.
#jimmybuffett #conchrepublic #music #celebrity
That's a big American Croc!
They're pretty shy and generally avoid people.
Deputies Help Trapped Crocodile Return to Water in Florida Keys
#environment #crocodile #florida #floridakeys #conchrepublic
You may own a boat in Florida if you belong to a hurricane haul-out club.
#boating #boatlife #conchrepublic
Hey there If you like any of these 25 hashtags you're obviously a lover of all things Conch Republic. So, why not join us on ConchRepublic.social?
#floridakeys #keywest #conchrepublic #keylargo #islamorada #marathonfl #bigpinekey #lowerkeys #drytortugas #keywestlife #keywestvacation #flkeyslife #flkeysvacation #keysvibes #keywestsunset #divefloridakeys #fishingfloridakeys #keywestart #keywesthistory #keywestfoodie #keysbeaches #keywestwedding #keywestnightlife #keywestfestivals #conchstyle
A $23 Million Oceanfront Estate Sets a Sales Record for Florida Keys
Palm Harbor, which has served as the backdrop to Victoria’s Secret and Ralph Lauren fashion shoots, set a previous record in 2015.
#florida #floridakeys #conchrepublic #realestate
Hey are you visiting the Conch Republic (aka the Florida Keys and Key West)?
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is asking the public’s help to gather valuable information about horseshoe crabs by reporting sightings on an online survey.
Report sightings by visiting http://www.MyFWC.com/research, click on “Crustaceans,” then “Horseshoe Crabs” and selecting “Report Your Nesting Horseshoe Crab Sighting” to complete the survey.
#conchrepublic #horseshoecrab #florida #floridakeys
It's the time of the year to prepare for hurricane season.
The key is to be ready, have a plan, and be preparred.
Here are some must read links for those of us in the #ConchRepublic
Monroe County Hurricane Prep
National Hurricane Preparedness
#conchrepublic #hurricane #florida #floridakeys
Cause I got a school boy heart
A novelist eye
Stout sailor's legs
And a license to fly
I got a bartender ear
And a beachcomber style
Piratical nerve
And a vaudevillian style
#conchlife #conchrepublic #jimmybuffett
My favorite times is just before dawn on the boat. It's quiet, just sounds of family sleeping and a snoring dog.
I creep into the galley, make some coffee... just a hint of sugar and the perfect splash of milk.
Then I head to the flybridge and sit waiting for the sunrise, sipping coffee, listening to a pod of dolphins somewhere in the bay surface for a breath. It's still, the water is glass.
For a fleeting moment it's just me and the dawn.
#manateebay #conchlife #conchrepublic #sunrise
Excuse me 👋 .... Point of information here
On April 23, 1982 Key West's Mayor Wardlow read a Declaration of Secession from the USA , and christened the Florida Keys the Conch Republic. He declared war on the United States and attacked an American Naval Officer with a piece of stale Cuban bread.
Moments later he surrendered and applied for billions in foreign aid.
#conchrepublic #conchlife #florida #floridakeys
One of my favorite places. The residents are cool too!
#floridakeys #conchrepublic #aligatorreef #dolphins
The Conch Republic Drag Race, Saturday, April 22, 2023, in Key West, Florida.
#dragrace #drag #conchrepublic #conchlife #keywest #floridakeys
Am 23. April 1982, heute vor 41 Jahren, wurde auf den Florida Keys die Conch Republic ausgerufen.
Hintergrund waren Grenzkontrollposten auf der Straße zwischen den Inseln und dem US-Festland.
Dennis Wardlow, der Bürgermeister von Key West, rief die Conch Republic aus, erklärte den USA den Krieg und kapitulierte nach einer Minute. Infolge der medienwirksamen Protestaktion wurden die Kontrollpunkte abgebaut.
#geschichte #historisch #heutevor #geschichtetoday #conchrepublic #keywest #florida
#florida #keywest #conchrepublic #geschichtetoday #heutevor #historisch #geschichte
Happy Seccession Day!
We seceded where others failed,”
Conch Republic commemorate ‘secession’ from the USA
#floridakeys #conchrepublic #keywest #florida #weird
Key Deer on Big Pine
The boardwalk to paradise. Florida Keys (the Conch Republic)
#conchrepublic #conchlife #floridakeys