I played my part in spreading the cult of #CUE today, showing an ex-#Pivot / Devy+Opsy engineer a light smattering of #cuelang that might just help with making #Concourse CI pipelines even more of a best-in-class experience! #ConcourseCI #YamlEngineering #StructuredData #Pivotal
#cue #pivot #cuelang #concourse #concourseci #yamlengineering #structureddata #pivotal
Who here has used #concourse #ci? I want to replace a Jenkins service which does #csv linting, and #rdf serialisation mostly using containerised shell commands.
Is it over the top?
Is there any #CICD tool or service that has as productive and well-designed DevX as #Concourse?
I’m finding that the more things I build on top of #GitHubActions, the more I’m seeing their “free minutes” as merely an attractive distractor, taking focus away from its insufficient abstractions. And most other CI/CD tools seem to suffer from the same problem: undeveloped abstractions :-(
Does *any* other tool offer something similar to the awesome flow of Concourse’s resource versions? #PleaseBoost
#cicd #concourse #githubactions #pleaseboost
@alpha You know... if you're interested in Concourse in theory but not in execution, you should probably be at least keeping an eye on Sirachi's newer projects.
Model of the Concourse on Beach Road, Singapore designed by Paul Rudolph beginning in 1981.
#architecture #modernism #brutalism #brutalist #concourse #singapore #model #docomomo #paulrudolph #建築 #建築學 #архитектура #هندسةمعمارية
#architecture #modernism #brutalism #brutalist #concourse #singapore #model #docomomo #paulrudolph #建築 #建築學 #архитектура #هندسةمعمارية
@GoTakeAKnapp using #nomad #consul #vault #traefik #caddy, but with #ansible and want to look at #concourse soonish
#concourse #ansible #caddy #traefik #vault #Consul #nomad
https://github.com/fourdollars/autopkgtest-resource 最近非常沉迷寫各式各樣的 Concourse CI resource type #concourse-ci #autopkgtest #resource
#resource #autopkgtest #concourse
好像每個週末都會弄個 Concourse CI 的 resource type 當娛樂 https://github.com/fourdollars/dput-ppa-resource #concourse #ci #dput #ppa #resource
#resource #ppa #dput #ci #concourse
https://github.com/fourdollars/webdav-resource 如果已經有刻過 Concourse CI 使用的 Resource 的經驗,後面要再刻就還蠻簡單的,就是復習而已。 :D #concourse #ci #webdav #resource
#resource #webdav #ci #concourse
Github Actions 也太好用了吧! 上廁所時滑手機就把 https://github.com/fourdollars/samba-resource/packages/553914 弄出來了! <3 #github #actions #concourse-ci #samba #resource
#github #Actions #concourse #samba #resource
分享一下週末練習用 Bash shell script 寫的給 concourse-ci 使用 [samba 的 resource](https://github.com/fourdollars/samba-resource) 文件跟授權跟範例使用說明跟 Docker Hub 以後有空在補上 #bash #shell #script #concourse-ci #samba #resource
#resource #samba #concourse #script #shell #bash
使用 https://concourse-ci.org/ 會有一種莫名其妙的快感,看著自己編寫的 pipelines.yml 一點一滴地在網頁瀏覽器上建構出心目中想要的生產線,好像在創作什麼藝術品似的。 <3 #concourse #ci
使用 https://concourse-ci.org/ 會有一種莫名其妙的快感,看著自己編寫的 pipelines.yml 一點一滴地在網頁瀏覽器上建構出心目中想要的生產線,好像在創作什麼藝術品似的。 <3 #concourse #ci
Actual error message from our build software:
"is the server running? better go catch it lol"
... we are not amused, #Concourse
Hah, this is funny, #Concourse renamed its "hijack" command to "intercept".
This is software for building software and it insists on the weirdest airplane/airport metaphor. I guess "hijacking" software builds was too violent, so they opted to rename that to "intercept"? As if shooting down my software builds was any better.
Finding a #CI solution, a story in about two thousand words: https://asylum.madhouse-project.org/blog/2018/09/17/finding-a-ci-solution/
I looked at #Jenkins, #GitLab CI/CD, #Phabricator, #GoCD, #StriderCD, #Buildbot, #laminar, #Concourse and #DroneCI, among others. The last one won.
#ci #jenkins #gitlab #phabricator #gocd #stridercd #buildbot #laminar #concourse #droneci