The new #sap #concur #ui is clearly designed for tablet users. Completely wastes screen real-estate when on a monitor with huge buttons and endless scrolling #designfail
La nomination de Fiona Scott Morton, une Américaine professeure d’économie et ancienne employée de grandes entreprises de la tech à un poste important à la Direction de la #concurrence fâche les eurodéputés et jusqu’aux commissaires.
Finally submitted a travel reimbursement request on #Concur. Took me only four weeks. Of course, there was a final warning, hahaha. I am also attaching one of the earlier ones for your viewing pleasure.
Booking flights for work through #concur, and I keep getting warnings that I’m not selecting the “least-cost logical” flight, and could get in trouble. Well, I don’t know about you, but arriving at 11:30 pm in a strange city might be ‘least-cost’ but it’s not at all ‘logical’ for a woman traveling alone! 😖
Une ancienne recruteuse de Meta / Facebook explique qu'elle était payé 190 000 dollars l'année à ne rien faire et que Meta embauchait des talents pour empêcher la concurrence de les avoir #meta_(ex_facebook) #facebook #travail #sens_du_travail #emploi #recrutement #concur
#concur #recrutement #emploi #sens_du_travail #travail #facebook #meta_
Someone asked me to use temp C to F conversion as an example instead of feet and inches, since with temp conversion the conversion is lossy both ways and you can't have a single source of truth.
Never fear, you can just use an `Either C F` and switch your source of truth on the fly! The code is still extremely concise and clear (and bug free).
converter :: Either C F -> Widget HTML (Either C F)
converter e = D.div'
[ Left <$> counter "C" (toC e)
, Right <$> counter "F" (toF e)
toF = either cToF identity
toC = either identity fToC
cToF :: C -> F
cToF c = ((c * 9) / 5) + 32
fToC :: F -> C
fToC f = ((f - 32) * 5) / 9
#SumTypes and strongly typed #FunctionalProgramming for the win! #PureScript #Concur
#sumtypes #functionalprogramming #purescript #concur
Just updated the packages for #PureScript #Concur starter repo. Also updated the sample code to be a bit less trivial. The sample app now also acts as a mini tutorial and demonstrates some important Concur concepts! Check out the code here -
#phishing passing through redirectors, *[.]web[.]app and aweml[.]com
MS credentials?
#concur and #docusign lures e.g.
Such bad #userexperience - Software horror show: #SAP #Concur #business #software
#userexperience #sap #concur #business #software
** C F P **
CONCUR 2023 - the 34th International Conference on Concurrency Theory.
September 18-23, 2023 at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
IMPORTANT DATES (all dates are AoE):
- Abstract Submission: April 24, 2023
- Paper Submission: May 2, 2023
- Rebuttal Response: June 5-9, 2023
- Notification: June 28, 2023
- Camera Ready: July 12, 2023
#cfp #concur #concurrency #verification #theory #semantics
#semantics #theory #verification #concurrency #concur #cfp
I’ve never learnt a new programming language more than when I actually started *building* something with it.
And the best way to motivate yourself to build something real is by having a pet project that you port everywhere. For me right now it’s the #Concur UI toolkit. Just the past few days of writing Concur in #Rust has taught me more than the past few years of reading books on Rust, and talking about it on forums.
Stop reading books, take the plunge into actual code