I am currently looking for #PhD and #post-doc candidates to work with me in #Augusta (GA, USA) on formal methods for #concurrent #reversible programs. More info at https://github.com/CinRC/.github/blob/main/website/phd_ad.md #Academia #job
#phd #post #Augusta #concurrent #reversible #academia #job
Everyone who works on #concurrent programming or #distributed #consensus should have to coordinate getting both my kids into the same battle on the same server at the same time in whatever the hell #Roblox game they’re playing right now. They’re literally in the same room, a few feet apart, with a reliable communications medium (English) and they’re livelocked.
#concurrent #distributed #consensus #roblox
Today on #gopheradvent22 we continue with part 2 of Tom Payne‘s article two-part series. So, check out „Optimizing #concurrent Go part 2: #multicore #performance“: https://gopheradvent.com/calendar/2022/optimizing-concurrent-go-a-two-part-story-part-2/?mtm_campaign=GopherAdvent22&mtm_source=mastodon #golang
#gopheradvent22 #concurrent #multicore #performance #golang
Today’s #gopheradvent22 article is by Tom Payne & shows how something can go from interview question idea to article series.
Check out „ Optimizing #concurrent #Go part 1: single core #performance“: https://gopheradvent.com/calendar/2022/optimizing-concurrent-go-a-two-part-story-part-1/?mtm_campaign=GopherAdvent22&mtm_source=mastodon
#gopheradvent22 #concurrent #go #performance
Haxmap is a fast and memory efficient golang concurrent hashmap.
#go #libraries #hashmap #concurrent #haxmap
Multiuser DOS – a real-time multi-user multi-tasking operating system for https://archiveos.org/multiuser-dos/ #dos #concurrent
Hello Mastodon, or is it Tootland? I'm so confused...I will just blunder on, confused as usual!
I'm Heidi Stenner, a #hazards geologist and Project Manager with #GeoHazards International (#GHI) a non-profit focused on working with lower-resourced global communities who are at high risk of natural hazards and climate change impacts.
I have been an #earthquake #geologist and #paleoseismologist with USGS. Migrated into #scicomm #disasterprep. I'm most interested in #EQ #landslide #volcano #compound #concurrent #cascading #disasters and how to #mitigate #adapt #plan to reduce their impacts.
#hazards #geohazards #earthquake #ghi #geologist #paleoseismologist #scicomm #disasterprep #eq #landslide #volcano #compound #concurrent #cascading #disasters #mitigate #adapt #plan #introduction #SickOfHashtags #EasternWashingtonState
Working on 'et' (my escape-time #fractal program) this morning.
I added #supersampling presets from 1x1 through 8x8, selectable by keypress. It already did supersampling but you had to enter 3 numbers in a modal dialog.
The calculations of the array used for progressive image rendering were annoyingly slow, so I'm now caching them on disk using the xdg-basedir and vector-mmap packages (et is written in #Haskell). I also need the directory and filepath packages for this part.
The arrays get quite big, almost 700MB total for all supersampling sizes with a base resolution of 1024x576 pixels (it takes up 6 bytes per pixel). Changing the base resolution size means recalculating and storing another set of arrays. Cache will bloat!
So I'm thinking there might be a better procedural way to do what the arrays do, which is #Adam7 style interlacing (coarse pixels getting gradually finer in a multipass rendering) with the pixels in each pass ordered so that the center gets rendered first and it spreads out towards the edges.
So in short I need a cheap function from (ImageWidth, ImageHeight, PixelIndex) to (PixelX, PixelY, PixelWidth, PixelHeight), because using anything other than #atomics to increment PixelIndex is much too slow in #concurrent #multicore Haskell.
#fractal #supersampling #haskell #adam7 #atomics #concurrent #multicore
"Contrairement au goto banni de Python, ensure_future() est là, et va rester. Donc n’importe quel connard peut dans un code ailleurs vous niquer profond, et en tâche de fond."
J'ai ri. Excellent article, ceci dit.
Plasmalang looks pretty dope.
Slideshow: http://paul.bone.id.au/pub/pbone-2017-plasma.pdf
Homepage: http://plasmalang.org/
#programming #declarative #concurrent #typed #dope
#programming #declarative #concurrent #typed #dope