Nerdfallmanagement · @nerdfall
95 followers · 767 posts · Server

Sadly, it happens in working life that a dies. How do you deal with this in your ?
Is it purely up to each individual to express their / go to the ? Is there a shared card \ ? Who takes over the communication with the family - your Boss or someone else? Is there a (central) place of for the in your organization?How would you like to deal with it?

#emergency #death #deceased #remembrance #crisis #donation #condolence #funeral #condolences #organization #colleague

Last updated 2 years ago

President of Malta · @presidentmt
0 followers · 385 posts · Server

Earlier today I signed the book of for Queen Elizabeth II. On behalf of the Government and the people of , I saluted her memory while explaining how I will continue to cherish our encounters, particularly back in March 2020.


#condolence #Malta

Last updated 2 years ago