It *did not* occur to me until just now that Kris Nova the BlueSky investor was also the Kris Nova that owned & maintained the popular Mastodon/Fediverse server
Hachyderm io is quite populated. It will be important I think for a not insignificant number of people to watch what happens next.
#metamastodon #fediverseNews #condolences
Couldn't agree more with Modi ji and his condolences towards the demise of former DRDO chief, V S Arunachalam. A significant loss for our nation. 🙏 #ModiJi #Condolences #NationFirst
#modiji #condolences #nationfirst
Way to destroy your own life at 25 years of age...
Blow over 2x legal limit after speeding and crashing into and killing a new bride and severely injuring 3 others - major lifelong physical damage to groom with unknown brain trauma.
Way to go! Each one of those 12 oz. curls were really worth it, eh? 🤬
#Condolences To injured family.
I just visited a friend whose grandfather passed away recently.
I have known Jewish traditions about people who pass away during the first ten days of the year, they are considered righteous. Today I learned it is quite the same for muslims and Ramadan.
Then I realised my father also passed away during Ramadan almost a year ago.
#religion #islam #ramadan #condolences
I invite each of you to reply with any loss you would like to share! Feel free to light a candle or attach a picture.
My deepest #condolences to all!
#TheResistance #ResistanceUnited #Grief #COVID19
#condolences #theresistance #resistanceunited #grief #covid19
How to say, “my condolences” in Hebrew.
#condolences #mycondolences #hebrewvocabulary #jewishtradition #jewishtraditions #shiva #jewishcustoms #shloshim #griefsupport #sympathy #hebrewphrase #culturelesson #hebrewteacher #condolencecard #hebrew #jewish #hebrewbyinbal #mythoughts #myprayers #mysympathy #feelyourpain #prayers #Fediverse #Mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
#condolences #mycondolences #hebrewvocabulary #jewishtradition #jewishtraditions #shiva #jewishcustoms #shloshim #griefsupport #sympathy #hebrewphrase #culturelesson #hebrewteacher #condolencecard #hebrew #jewish #hebrewbyinbal #mythoughts #myprayers #mysympathy #feelyourpain #prayers #fediverse #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
Federal Şansölye Scholz Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile telefonda görüştü
#turkey #earthquake #germany #condolences #erdoğan
Source: Press and Information Office of the Federal Government
#turkey #earthquake #Germany #condolences #Erdogan
RT @choumde: Sincere, deep #condolences to the family and friends of #ThulaniMaseko. 🇪🇺 #EU statement ⬇️
#condolences #ThulaniMaseko #EU
Sad news this morning, Anton Walkes, 25 year old Charlotte FC defender died last night in a boating accident near Miami.
#mls #condolences #charlottefc
#திருமகன் ஈவேரா மறைவு: முதலமைச்சர் #ஸ்டாலின், #வைகோ, #ராமதாஸ் உள்பட அரசியல் கட்சி தலைவர்கள் இரங்கல்..
#ThirumaganEvera #thirumagan #condolences
#condolences #thirumagan #thirumaganevera #ராமதாஸ #வைகோ #ஸடாலின #திருமகன
Sadly, it happens in working life that a #colleague dies. How do you deal with this in your #organization?
Is it purely up to each individual to express their #condolences / go to the #funeral? Is there a shared #condolence card \ #donation ? Who takes over the #crisis communication with the family - your Boss or someone else? Is there a (central) place of #remembrance for the #deceased in your organization?How would you like to deal with it?
#death #emergency #crisis
#emergency #death #deceased #remembrance #crisis #donation #condolence #funeral #condolences #organization #colleague
பிரதமர் மோடியின் தாயார் மறைவு: முதலமைச்சர் ஸ்டாலின், கவர்னர் தமிழிசை, வைகோ இரங்கல்…
#HeerabenModi #PMModiMotherPassesAway #RIP #condolences
#condolences #rip #pmmodimotherpassesaway #heerabenmodi
#Condolences to #Tesla investors, whose $TSLA holdings have #prolapsed faster and farther - albeit with less... mess - than #Trump's rectal tissues did when Eric's #AuntStormy pulled out.
#condolences #tesla #prolapsed #Trump #auntstormy