Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1552 followers · 14704 posts · Server mstdn.social

The is the New .

This is what happens when a nation allows those who commit and start a to resume their and careers without any punishment or consequences for their actions when they're defeated.

It's taken longer than they'd hoped, but January 6, 2021 was the modern version of their ancestor's attack on , April 12, 1861, 160 years earlier.

#gop #Jan6 #fortsumter #political #military #civilwar #treason #confederacy #GrandoldParty #republican

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
886 followers · 38293 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"Frederick Douglass, who was born into Southern , described the South as “a little nation by itself, having its own language, its own rules, regulations, and customs.”

Fewer than 2000 families — six-tenths of one percent of the Southern — owned more than 50 enslaved people and ruled the that we call the with an iron fist. The 75 percent of white in the South during that era who did not own any enslaved persons generally lived in deep .

had no rights, people were routinely and , for both enslaved and poor whites was generally outlawed, attendance was often mandated, and and stalked all but those in the of the two thousand morbidly planter .

-day Red states are doing their best to recreate that old Confederacy, right down to state Senator Kathy ’s new effort to return the Confederate battle flag to 's state flag. Ron and Mike have both emphasized their presidential pledges to restore the names of murderous Civil to bases, celebrating their armed defense of the “values” of the Old South.

Today’s version of yesteryear’s owners are called , hedge and vulture fund managers, and the morbidly rich.

They use the power of given them by five corrupt on the — with Clarence ’ tie-breaking United vote on behalf of his sugar daddy Harlan — to lord over their Red states, regardless of the will of those states’ citizens."


#slavery #population #oligarchy #confederacy #people #poverty #women #queer #tortured #murdered #education #africans #religious #hunger #disease #families #rich #dynasties #modern #chism #mississippi #desantis #pence #war #traitors #american #military #plantation #CEOs #political #bribery #republicans #supremecourt #thomas #citizens #crow

Last updated 1 year ago

Freedom2B · @Freedom2B
107 followers · 947 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Google Books

book: Texas After The Civil War

"With the demise of the Davis administration, the Texas Democratic party took over the reins of government and controlled them virtually unchallenged until the middle of the twentieth century. At least through the nineteenth century, the Redeemer Democrats who represented the plantation, merchant, and railroad interests that had come to dominate the party by the end of Reconstruction remained in control and shaped not only party policy but also that of the state government. Their basic positions on public affairs began to be formed almost immediately during the sessions of the Fourteenth Legislature as party leaders attempted to secure three major goals. The first was to lower taxes as much as possible, a purpose that cemented small farmers to the party and fulfilled the desires of the large landed interests of the state, including planters and by this time the railroads. The second objective was the continued encouragement of economic development through aid to railroads and other such endeavors, though without raising taxes. And the third was securing the state's landed interests' control over labor. A new constitution in 1876 provided the institutional framework that assured that the Redeemers achieved these ends. Democratic politics throughout the rest of the century revolved around the use of whatever means were needed to maintain power to meet the party's aims.

"The Fourteenth Legislature began the process necessary for Democrats to gain their political goals, but from the beginning, party leaders realized that achieving them required changes in the basic institutions of government. As a result, during the first session, they initiated efforts at writing a new consti- tution. Governor Coke and other Democratic leaders originally wanted law- makers to carry out this task, avoiding the costs of a convention and also lim- iting the possibilities that an open fight would take place between the party's regular leadership and the agrarians. A committee drafted a document that differed from the Constitution of 1869, before its amendment, primarily in its provisions for supporting internal improvements and carrying out elections. The proposal confirmed the use of land grants as a means of encouraging the development of a transportation system, maintained a system of voter regis tration, and added the requirement that all voters had to pay a poll tax, a feature clearly intended to restrict black participation. What would have been the Constitution of 1874 failed to pass both houses of the legislature, however. This led to a constitutional convention in 1875.

"The convention met at Austin on September 6, 1875, and remained in ses- sion for almost three months. Democrats dominated the proceedings, and even though disputes developed between the delegates who represented the controlling interests of the party and agrarians-possibly forty of the ninety delegates were members of the Grange-they produced a draft constitution..."

chapter: Conservative Triumph
page 199

#confederacy #civilwar #history #ushistory #conservatives #taxes #laborrights #corporations

Last updated 1 year ago

Raccoon :unverified: · @raccoon
70 followers · 908 posts · Server writing.exchange

Most of Florida didn't even HAVE slave plantations. The swamp was settled by poor farmers trying to get away from the immense poverty of slaveholding areas, because, big surprise: SLAVERY WAS BAD, even for whites who didn't own slaves. Floridians were later forced at gunpoint to fight in the Civil War, for a government that *didn't even consider them worthy of rights.*

should condemn the criminals running the for what they did to .

#florida #confederacy #desantis

Last updated 1 year ago

Raccoon :unverified: · @raccoon
70 followers · 908 posts · Server writing.exchange

Most of Florida didn't even HAVE slave plantations. The swamp was settled by poor farmers trying to get away from the immense poverty of slaveholding areas, because, big surprise: slavery is bad for everyone who doesn't own slaves. Many Floridians were later forced at gunpoint to fight in the Civil War, for a government that *didn't even consider them worthy of rights.*

should condemn the criminals running the for what they did to .

#florida #confederacy #desantis

Last updated 1 year ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
2060 followers · 8659 posts · Server toad.social

"All capture a determination to slip the bonds of national authority and impose a set of rules and policies that reflect the priorities and grievances of the primarily older, white, nonurban and Christian coalition that has placed these states’ leaders in power."


#texas #gregabbott #constitution #confederacy #whitechristiannationalism

Last updated 1 year ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
2060 followers · 8658 posts · Server toad.social

"Abbott’s willingness to pursue such a militant enforcement campaign, and the decision by so many Republican governors to assist him, provides another measure of the same impulse evident in the proliferating red-state laws restricting or banning abortion, rolling back voting rights, and prohibiting gender-affirming care for transgender minors."


~ Ron Brownstein


#texas #gregabbott #constitution #confederacy #whitechristiannationalism

Last updated 1 year ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
2060 followers · 8658 posts · Server toad.social

"Sooner or later, this Democratic administration is going to face a situation like the one Eisenhower had in Little Rock in 1957 and like the one Kennedy faced in Mississippi in 1962. The national government cannot stand idly by while a bunch of tinhorns take us all back to the Articles of Confederation, if not to the Confederate States of America. There will be hell to pay, but the price will be worth it."

~ Charles Pierce


#republicans #confederacy #constitution

Last updated 1 year ago

RustbeltRebel · @rustbeltrebel
538 followers · 643 posts · Server bananachips.club

My partner and I have been thinking today about all the different narratives we were told about the civil war and the north/north’s soldiers/generals while growing up.

Outside of Abe Lincoln, I can’t think of a single positive thing. Grant was a drunk and won because he was a butcher. All the other generals were just trash. The north just had more people. The north only fought because they were snaky capitalists that wanted the south’s land (this is the most bitterly amusing one to me now, who is the most naked of all capitalistic money hungry bean counting violent money grabbers than a fucking ENSLAVER?????). And I grew up in a solid blue state that had multiple stops on the under ground railroad and was home to multiple formerly enslaved people that helped organize resistance to slavery and then troops for the civil war!

Dear partner and I have worked very hard over the years to undo and then relearn a proper civil war history- this holiday break we’re going to be watching civil war movies and laughing at the loser confederacy and doing research to find more truth.

What are the narratives you grew up with around the US civil war? And what is a truth you’ve since found out that you think the entire world should know???

#uscivilwar #civilwar #usgrant #northsouth #north #south #union #confederacy

Last updated 1 year ago

Mark W. Alexander · @AnonymooseGuy
179 followers · 1735 posts · Server mas.to

@ophiocephalic @TheWildHuntNews

Dear Rep. Moron;

The is a sacred site for who were granted exclusive rights under the [1].

It was cool until gold was discovered in treaty lands.

Then, decided taking back the land [2] and carving a , , monument to the would be better.

[1] Check your on where treaties sit in law.
[2] and yet implies that THEY took the "giving" back.

#indiangiver #constitution #confederacy #whitesupremecist #racist #whiteamerica #treatyoffortlarami #nativeamericans #blackhills

Last updated 1 year ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
1682 followers · 7645 posts · Server toad.social

Mississippi senator Kathy Chism is craving to have that old Confederate battle flag back as part of the Mississippi state flag.

Her rationale: a lot of "our people" died fighting for the Confederacy and the flag.

Mississippi is nearly 40% African-American. A lot of the people of Mississippi died in human bondage, bought and sold as human chattel.

It appears that in the minds of folks like Chism, those people don't count.


#mississippi #confederacy #democracy

Last updated 1 year ago

TeamRose · @SusannaShakespeare
305 followers · 5275 posts · Server mas.to

“When you try to use Black history to shoehorn in theory, you are clearly trying to use that for political purposes.”-

I guess there wouldn’t be ANY other reasons you’d teach
Aye Gov? I mean other than turning kids 🌈
By the way I’m not surprised you want to name more things after the
But naming stuff after traitors to our country
is a hard sell.

#confederacy #gay #blackhistory #desantis #queer

Last updated 1 year ago

Mark W. Alexander · @AnonymooseGuy
180 followers · 1715 posts · Server mas.to


I'll take "Daughters of the " for $1000.


Last updated 1 year ago

Annhattan · @annhattan
119 followers · 659 posts · Server mstdn.social

“Federal officials permitting politics to trump the rule of law in our past have brought us to this moment.

The willingness of officials to ignore the rule of law in order to buy has given us enduring reverence for the principles of the & allowed their reclamation of the South...plus instituted new Nixonian corruption levels."

Both of these new normals are fully woven into our societal fabric & are, literally, needlessly ruining us now.

#HeatherCoxRichardson #confederacy #Peace #Government

Last updated 1 year ago

Annhattan · @annhattan
119 followers · 668 posts · Server mstdn.social

“Federal officials permitting politics to trump the rule of law in our past have brought us to this moment.

The willingness of officials to ignore the rule of law in order to buy has given us enduring reverence for the principles of the & allowed their reclamation of the South...plus instituted new Nixonian corruption levels."

Both of these new normals are fully woven into our societal fabric & are literally, needlessly ruining us now.

#HeatherCoxRichardson #confederacy #Peace #Government

Last updated 1 year ago

amyseekstruth · @amyseekstruth
21 followers · 237 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
Shades · @shades
344 followers · 490 posts · Server kolektiva.social

by in

"Fort Bragg, one of the largest military bases in the country, officially became Fort Liberty on Friday, the first of nine military bases in the South that will ditch their confederate namesakes."


#pemalevy #motherjones #fortliberty #fortbragg #confederate #confederacy #militaryBases #military

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
73 followers · 1851 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
· @pdougmc
31 followers · 1571 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

#confederacy #army

Last updated 1 year ago