Dan d'Auge · @dandauge
222 followers · 1854 posts · Server mamot.fr

Sacrifice paysan

Comment un contrôle sanitaire a-t-il pu déboucher sur la mort d’un éleveur, abattu par les gendarmes en 2017 ? Décryptant les rouages de cette tragédie, ce documentaire plonge dans la complexité d’un monde agricole en détresse : arte.tv/fr/videos/094498-000-A


#agriculture #confederation

Last updated 1 year ago

Adam Greenfield · @adamgreenfield
2138 followers · 6825 posts · Server social.coop

Just want to boost this to communities interested in and all that good stuff, as many of you have been so very generous to me all throughout the difficult writing of this book. I trust you’ll see our conversations reflected here, and the insights you’ve offered me honored.

#anarchism #degrowth #ecofeminism #convivialtechnologies #confederation #postdoom

Last updated 1 year ago

DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
3697 followers · 4245 posts · Server mas.to

"Elinor Ostrom’s rules for governing the commons provide criteria for how a common sector can function well (Ostrom 2021). Even though her politics differ in crucial ways from libertarian communism, many of the overall principles and practices for managing the commons that she outlines can strengthen libertarian communist praxis (Libertarian 2013). And although not stated until now, the above approach of libertarian communism satisfies Elinor Ostrom’s 8 rules for governing the commons: It has clear and non-hierarchical processes/practices/nomos/decision making, planning, and rules, it matches rules governing commons to local conditions (while also retaining specific universalist features), it ensures that those affected by decisions can modify them, it aims towards the commons being respected by others (through a focus on global revolution as well as defending the commons against hierarchical forces), it develops ways for people to hold each other accountable to rules of the commons without resorting to hierarchical strata and without hierarchical security forces, it has ways of dealing with rule violations as well as accessible dispute resolution (via free association/disassociation, self defense and defense of others, breaking up fights, diffuse social disapproval, and dispute resolution via mediation), and has responsibility for governing common resources in nested tiers from lowest level up to the entire interconnected system. "


#anarchism #anarchy #libertariansocialism #LibertarianCommunism #socialism #communism #Communalism #utopia #federalism #confederalism #federation #confederation #postscarcity #abundance #MutualAid #intercommunalism #commons

Last updated 1 year ago

Communist production, reproduction, economic decision making, and implementation could technically be done through multiple kinds of ways of arranging socialized production (socialized production as in means of production held in common and governed by self-managed collectives of some kind). Communalism ought to be the complimentary political economic form of communism. Communalism is for communalized economics and means of production and not just socialized production. Communalism properly distributes means of production according to needs of communities and persons without putting policy making power in regards to communal economics in the hands of relatively privatized sources of power. Communalization is a way of gathering all who need, use, and contribute to the commons to govern the commons at multiple scales. Such communalized economics can only be communal if managed directly by horizontal communal assemblies and networks thereof. Such community assemblies and federations thereof would have constitutions, bylaws, shared processes, practices, and goals in harmony with the following qualities: direct democracy, non-hierarchy, free association (participatory activity of each and all), mutual aid, distribution according to needs, and co-federation. Within such a practical framework, decisions about common economics would be made by such communal assemblies deliberating about how to meet aggregate needs. People would deliberate in such assemblies and pool needs, ideas, knowledge, alternative proposals, abilities, volitions/desires of persons, skills, resources, and technology together to make decisions in relation to solving common problems or developing common projects. Participatory, horizontal, and directly democratic decision making processes would exist on a plurality of scales–from communal to intercommunal to broader co-federated scales. Such communal assemblies would have embedded participatory councils and working groups that implement decisions and self-manage within the bounds of the policies made by communal assemblies and members thereof. Such a process harmonizes self interest and social interest, is rooted in cooperative conflict and deliberation for decision making, has a form and a content that guarantees self-management of each and all on every scale to the degree it develops, has maximal political transparency, allows for decision making and coordination on a plurality of different scales, allows for function redundancy, etc. and is not internally limited by the profit motive or positions that give people power over others (and what is entailed by the maintenance of such power over others). Additionally, such an approach does not put the economy at war against itself by pitting different relatively private sectors against others.


#anarchism #anarchy #libertariansocialism #LibertarianCommunism #socialism #communism #Communalism #utopia #federalism #confederalism #federation #confederation #postscarcity #abundance #MutualAid #intercommunalism #commons

Last updated 1 year ago

Emmanuelle Germond · @egermond
130 followers · 673 posts · Server tooting.ch
Emmanuelle Germond · @egermond
130 followers · 673 posts · Server tooting.ch

Apparemment, la Confédération suisse a trouvé la solution parfaite pour remédier au manque de confiance de la population dans le DEP: il suffit de les forcer à l’adopter ! Parce que, vous savez, rien ne construit la confiance mieux que l’obligation et la coercition, n’est-ce pas ? Analyses.


#medecin #medtech #dep #conseilfederal #confederation #cybersecurite #donneespersonelles

Last updated 1 year ago

PEPS 72 - Sarthe · @PEPS_72_Sarthe
22 followers · 130 posts · Server piaille.fr

Le projet communaliste

Une société à refaire - Vers une écologie de la liberté populaire & sociale

📗 Environ 1h de lecture utile et agréable !
directe et locale

#ecologiesociale #democratie #communs #commune #confederation #Liberte

Last updated 1 year ago

"Despite various benefits that localization can have, there are many contexts where considerations come into play that make intercommunal and confederated economic decision making and planning into something that makes more sense for multiple reasons such as: 1. That which affects multiple communities should be decided by multiple communities as various decisions are not just about a single block, neighborhood, town, or city 2. To pool needs/abilities/volunteers/resources/technology/ideas/proposals together to solve problems and develop projects on multiple scales 3. To provide for needs and desires when local scales are not absolutely self-sufficient (which they rarely are) 4. To reduce overall labor/work through mutual support and assistance on an intercommunal scale. 5. As an extension of choice and freedom of intercommunal associations to undertake joint projects. 6. To uphold responsibility and commitment towards other communities and towards forging the right kind of interdependence between communities 7. to enable intercommunal provision of the means of production when needed/desired. The above are examples of reasons why intercommunal decision making and planning can make sense in various contexts for various functions compared to mere localized approaches. Decentralized and Co-federated planning and economics enable the benefits of non-local scales without the cons of centralized power over and above self-managed collectives. And such co-federation is a desideratum beyond mere necessity as the right kind of decentralization is not about absolute self-sufficiency but the right kinds of self-governance and self-sufficiency in tandem with radically egalitarian ways of organizing interdependence. Such a mutually interrelated and multitudinous political economy enables people to associate in various communal associations, embedded councils, working groups, and varied social groups that fit their dynamic preferences– enabling a radical differentiation and pluralism in harmony with non-hierarchical freedoms and duties."


#anarchism #anarchy #libertariansocialism #LibertarianCommunism #socialism #communism #Communalism #utopia #federalism #confederalism #federation #confederation #postscarcity #abundance #MutualAid #intercommunalism

Last updated 1 year ago

pas dans l'denih · @denih87
28 followers · 110 posts · Server toot.aquilenet.fr
marielle · @Marielle
7 followers · 79 posts · Server mastouille.fr

L'ancienne conseillère Elisabeth Kopp est décédée à l'âge de 86 ans, a annoncé vendredi le gouvernement. La radicale zurichoise avait été la première femme à siéger au Conseil fédéral. Elle avait été élue le 2 octobre 1984.


#femme #conseillere #confederation #federale

Last updated 2 years ago

EURACTIV FR · @euractiv
103 followers · 550 posts · Server pewtix.com
elaine · @elaine
94 followers · 544 posts · Server tooting.ch

Yeah... vl'à que les pontes de la accueillent des personnes handicapées pour une session parlementaire où ils discuteront de leur participation dans ce pays. Parce que la coutume a toujours été de cacher ces gens là. La session sera diffusée dès 13h30. Ça serait bien que ces gens là aient aussi une petite place dans notre monde.


#confederation #lesgens #societe #invalidite #handicap #politique #berne #parlement #suisse

Last updated 2 years ago

Sean Tourangeau · @stourangeau
84 followers · 149 posts · Server mastodon.world

Here is the Confederation Taskforce Luna as they head out to subjugate strange alien worlds. A safe Galaxy is a human galaxy. @StarTrek @trekonlinegame @TrekCore @TREKZONEorg @ShipTalkingPod @TrekFanArt

#startrek #confederation #starfleet #picardseason2

Last updated 2 years ago

denih · @denih
15 followers · 87 posts · Server piaille.fr
Sean Tourangeau · @stourangeau
70 followers · 129 posts · Server mastodon.world

Here is a quick design I did up this morning, and depending on you the fans of my work, should I refine and do a color version of this??? @StarTrek @ShipTalkingPod @TrekFanArt

#confederation #starship #concept #sketch #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago

· @scoub
64 followers · 1239 posts · Server mamot.fr

Conférence gesticulée de Mathieu Dalmais... pour une de l'alimentation ce  vendredi 13 janvier 2023 à 20 h 30 à la salle des fêtes de Vichy proposée par Bassin en partenariat avec la paysanne et la mutuelle (entrée gratuite).

#securite #sociale #attac #vichy #confederation #mutuale

Last updated 2 years ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
180 followers · 387 posts · Server aus.social
Laura Phillips · @lauraphillips
225 followers · 793 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

"We have reached the stage where..we cannot guarantee patient safety" Matthew Taylor CEO on "We are entering into a very dangerous time..until the govt is willing to negotiate on pay negotiations cannot even start..we just need pragmatism..." ICYMI will be bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc

#ambulance #nhs #nurses #strikes #confederation #BBCWorldAtOne #BBCSounds

Last updated 2 years ago

elaine · @elaine
22 followers · 61 posts · Server tooting.ch

Donc si j'ai bien compris : le chuv il doit diminuer ses charges et puis augmenter les soins facturés à l'assurance maladie de base pour équilibrer son budget et pis nous les ont va payer des pour que le chuv diminue ses charges et on va payer des assurances pour que le chuv puisse facturer ses soins. Pis à la fin la elle veut pas qu'on ait trop de . C'est qui qui gagne au jackpot ? Non j'ai pas compris.

#subside #confederation #impots #citoyens #maladie #assurance #chuv #sante #vaud #suisse

Last updated 2 years ago