Step 2: #Confess Your Freedom in #ChristJesus & Receive the #HolySpirit Indwelling
#confess #ChristJesus #HolySpirit
Step 3: #Confess #Sins Then Forgive Those Who Have Harmed You
Celebrated the Wildfest in Belgium last Weekend. A beautiful small festival with a lot of great bands. My favourites were Chez Kane, Ted Poley, Wildheart and Confess. In that order. I think I'll be there again next year and now I'm looking forward to Saturday for the Rock Hard Festival.
#wildfest #livemusic #lovemusic #live #concert #festival #chezkane #tedpoley #wildheart #confess #hardrock #rockhardfestival2023 #rockhardfestival
#rockhardfestival #rockhardfestival2023 #hardrock #confess #wildheart #tedpoley #chezkane #festival #concert #live #lovemusic #livemusic #wildfest
116 Anonymously Shared #Secrets That People Wouldn’t #Dare To #Confess In Real Life
As Mastodon's unofficial spiritual leader, I should set an example and #Confess to you.
I've been dealing with resentment for being the "least disabled child" in my family, with the double-whammy of "eldest daughter syndrome" (with a fundamentalist Christian twist).
Raising a disabled child, while you yourself are a disabled child, is hard work.
I have new hard work now:
I need to learn how to genuinely forgive my family for putting me in that place, and not giving me the help I needed.
57 Anonymously Shared #Secrets That People Wouldn’t Dare To #Confess In Real Life
I’m too new to almost everything. I need to search for answers in every step that I take. Learn this, learn that, endless searching and failures.
I don’t want to beg for answers anymore. I will do my homework from now on. Please correct me if I make any mistakes.
#confess #truth
#confess #babypanda
Okay. Can't help it. I could watch baby pandas all day, every day!
You can send me anonymous messages here!
#anonymous #confession #kink #fetish #ama #askmeanything #confess #secret #switch #queerguy #transguy #queer #trans #ask #questions
#anonymous #confession #kink #fetish #ama #askmeanything #confess #secret #switch #queerguy #transguy #queer #trans #ask #questions
@joel_linux @vbabka I'm winding Vlasta up, he was chastising me before for getting a PCI card for my desktop 🤣
Yes it's absolutely a better choice, I am just lazy about doing the wiring (I #confess)
It's a good day to go to #church, #confess our sins, and receive #forgiveness, #life, and #salvation!
#salvation #life #forgiveness #confess #church
#BIG_FAITH | The #Day of #Judgment - What Will It Be Like?
~God: If they break My #Commandments they will #CONFESS their #SINS AND #REPENT."~
This short scene is from an audio theater called "Rescued" by John Bevere.
Disclaimer: and/or its owners []
#repent #sins #confess #commandments #Judgement_day #TO_BE_CONTINUED #judgment #day #Big_Faith
Confess more!
#cixidoru #colored
#PetitPuny #Asha
#confess #admit
#colored #confess #cixidoru #PetitPuny #Asha #admit
I have to #confess my #sins I have used #gab . I mostly commented on #retrogames and used #dissenter to comment on pages that specially removed comments. I know this has angered the #internet gate keeper gods. So I humbly ask for #forgiveness and #salvation. @fdroidorg
#confess #sins #gab #retrogames #dissenter #internet #forgiveness #salvation
Iranian #metal band #Confess sentenced to 14½ years in prison, 74 lashes.
#metal #confess #music #heavymetal #rock #iran #shariah #humanrights #news