I havta admit that after Trump won #electoralcollege in 2016, I agreed w an online effort to try to persuade official state electors to dishonor their state's outcome. #confession
Legal experts: John Eastman "literally just confessed to the crime" in Fox News interview - "He’s admitting to committing federal crimes on national television," says law professor Anthony Michael Kreis
#JohnEastmanCrime #FoxNewsInterview #FederalCrimes #NationalTelevision #LegalExperts #Confession #Politics #News
#johneastmancrime #foxnewsinterview #federalcrimes #nationaltelevision #legalexperts #confession #politics #news
#Confession : Je n'aime pas du tout Sonic CD. Je l'ai rushé dans la compil Sonic Origins et tellement soulagé lorsque je l'ai terminé ! Suis-je le seul ? #jeuxvideo #SEGA #Sonic
#confession #jeuxvideo #sega #sonic
I haven't had sex since mid May. It's weird what depression/anxiety does to you..
I must say I miss my hungry moods, the craving for adventures / hunting. It made me feel alive.
It always takes me ten minutes of googling before I realize that the name of the program I'm looking for is "WinDirStat" and that it is installed in my Start menu.
A #prayer of #confession from the Tibetan Tradition: https://buddhistuniversity.net/content/essays/rays-of-moonlight_lobzan-chokyi-gyaltsen
I just have too much tech. There. I've said it. #confession #GonnaNeedABiggerLivingArea #Downsizing
#downsizing #gonnaneedabiggerlivingarea #confession
A sort of anti-love story for the Narrative Arc's Summer Love Prompt. A true story confessional
#lovestory #relationships #dating #breakups #confession #truestory #thishappenedtome
#lovestory #relationships #dating #breakups #confession #truestory #thishappenedtome
Je découvre tranquillemnt cette pratique avec #elle.
Pourtnt je la fantasme depuis longtmps.
Ado et jeune adulte, j'ai passé beaucp de tps sur des t'chat, à m'imaginer soumis voire même soumise.
L'univers de Sardax a construit et continue de construire mon imaginaire érotique.
#journeemondialedubdsm #confession #thread #elle
#Confession whenever the #lotto reaches about half a billion, I start playing. I probably wont win, but its fun to pretend that I might.
After paying off my debt, I'd probably put $5 million into an account for me & $5 million in my ministry. Then I'd start re-distributing the rest of the weath.
What fun thing would you do for yourself with that sort of money?
How would you distribute the remainder?
#joinin #boost #confession #Lotto
The reason I joined 4bear.com last month is because the @admin Jeffrey is so cute. 😏
@coisbackeljau @BiekePurnelle
#confession : ik ben fan van Bieke maar heb een hekel aan de koers en alles errond dus kan ik het niet opbrengen om haar op Twitter te volgen 😟
Two weeks ago, I walked over to Insta for two days and then deactivated again. #socialmedia #confession I just can’t handle the older social media accounts. Those platforms are beyond awful.
@Elizafox When it's done.
#confession We were kinda banking on Trump starting World War III and therefore making it moot. Then he didn't. Pretty embarrassing!
We dropped the ball on this one, not gonna lie.
Confession time: I just microwaved a tortilla. I could feel the disapproval of a hundred generations of abuelitas but I was hungry. #confession #tortillas