Here’re the details for the CUE+Terraform session that @myitcv and I are running tomorrow!
(Re: #Terraform #CUE #cuelang #configuration #configmgmt #configmanagement #configmgmtcamp #github
#terraform #cue #cuelang #configuration #configmgmt #configmanagement #configmgmtcamp #github
I’ve published a new version of Cueniform’s happy path narrative quick start doc: Configuring #Terraform in #CUE, with #Cueniform.
I reckon the project’s tentative DevX has really improved! #ConfigMgmt #IaC #cuelang
#terraform #cue #cueniform #configmgmt #iac #cuelang
I only learned properly a couple of weeks back about how elegant #CUE's multi-for-loop construct is!
Because in #ConfigMgmt land we're /so/ often dealing with spiky, nested objects, the nested "for" loop has a lovely indent-saving form: here, the loop starting on L37 incorporates 3 for elements, 1 "if" guard, & 1 additional temporary allocation ("let"), whilst letting me iterate over the /innermost/ elements of a (resource|data).<level1>.<level2> shaped struct 🙂
#cuelang is genuinely awesome!
A #Terraform #IaC #ConfigMgmt straw poll for you:
I need to inject some kind of side-effect-free marker into some (many!) TF config expressions/interpolations.
All 4 of the following options work, with no performance difference between them.
Please help me by selecting any/all that, if you saw them in a (.tf.json) config, you feel *wouldn't* confuse or annoy you ...
The next #cuelang community call is on Wednesday April 12 at 1430 UTC. These calls are always fun to join (ok, /mostly/ if config-related things Are Your Jam 😀) - hope to see y’all there! #CUE #config #configuration #configmanagement #configmgmt #configmgmtcamp
#cuelang #cue #config #configuration #configmanagement #configmgmt #configmgmtcamp
Maybe something for the #BSD (#Freebsd, #OpenBSD, ...) folks out there - manage #pf (#packetfilter) w/ an #Ansible #Module instead of roles and notifiers.
#cicd #automation #config #configmgmt #python #python3 #cloud #devop #devops #dev #development #deployment #firewall
#bsd #freebsd #openbsd #pf #packetfilter #ansible #module #cicd #automation #config #configmgmt #python #python3 #cloud #devop #devops #dev #development #deployment #firewall