· @TastyWheat
1 followers · 34 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@gnuplusmatt Seems like a nice tool for less experienced users. It seems that something like or would be preferred if you're dealing with more than a handful of servers or simply prefer a approach.

#puppet #ansible #configurationascode

Last updated 1 year ago

thezerobit · @thezerobit
550 followers · 1526 posts · Server anticapitalist.party

The problem with configuring systems in YAML (or JSON or XML or TOML) is that there's very little of the tooling that you get with most programming languages, like auto-complete and type checking. For this reason alone, I would prefer to configure things in code.

Also, it isn't dynamic enough so you get all the tacked-on parameterization sub-languages or having to use sed to inject values into configuration files. It would all be simpler and easily testable as code.

#configurationascode #yaml

Last updated 1 year ago

Daniel · @dad
600 followers · 9368 posts · Server mastodon.eole.education
Jonathan Kamens · @jik
441 followers · 1777 posts · Server federate.social

Hack of the day: simple python script for maintaining DNS records in Namecheap
You can use this script to maintain your Namecheap DNS records in a file which you can keep in source control!

#computers #freesoftware #internet #configurationascode #DNS #namecheap

Last updated 2 years ago