You know that feeling, when you open an old folder full of ancient documents and you start to deep dive? 📜🧐
Researching in archives is one of the most important parts in #historicalarchaeology and #conflictarcheology .
#historian #historiador #archaeologist #arqueologo #historia #history #archaeology #archeology #arqueología #histodons #archaeodons @histodons @archaeodons @militaryhistory @phdstudents
#archaeodons #histodons #arqueologia #archeology #archaeology #history #historia #arqueologo #archaeologist #historiador #historian #conflictarcheology #historicalarchaeology
When I think of the most remarkable things that #conflictarcheology can uncover is:
“The strength lies in its ability to offer specific interpretations, as a result of the application of #archaeological techniques, to a single event of a single hour of a single day (in past)”. Douglas D. Scott.
#silentsunday #archaeology #history #archaeologist #militaryhistory #battlefieldarchaeology #battlefield @archaeodons @histodons @academicchatter @bookstodon
#battlefield #battlefieldarchaeology #militaryhistory #archaeologist #history #archaeology #silentsunday #archaeological #conflictarcheology