CellBioNews · @cellbionews
61 followers · 1469 posts · Server scientificnetwork.de
Eric Maugendre · @maugendre
64 followers · 142 posts · Server hachyderm.io
Eric Maugendre · @maugendre
64 followers · 142 posts · Server hachyderm.io
Eric Maugendre · @eric
52 followers · 284 posts · Server social.coop

Zvi on "The Thing and the Symbolic Representation of The Thing":

"[E]veryone involved [is] afraid of being sued (far beyond the statistical danger of actually being sued) every time they deviate from the standard of care."

thezvi.wordpress.com/2015/06/3 cited by Carey @privacat

#mowshowitz #thezvi #lening #reputation #norms #conformation #normal #standards #responsibility #health #care #ethics #legal #tech

Last updated 2 years ago

· @estelle
58 followers · 42 posts · Server techhub.social

"The most important thing we learned from is that the living (and therefore mortal) body is the central object of all politics. There is no politics that is not a politics of bodies."

Paul B.

#foucault #preciado #quotes #biopower #deviance #conformation #sociology #philosophy #frenchtheory

Last updated 2 years ago

· @estelle
15 followers · 27 posts · Server techhub.social

"Disciplinary consists first of all in positing a model, an optimal model that is constructed in terms of a certain result, and the operation of disciplinary normalization consists in trying to get people, movements, and actions to conform to this model, the normal being precisely that which can conform to this norm, and the abnormal that which is incapable of conforming to the norm.
In other words, it is not the normal and the abnormal that is fundamental and primary in disciplinary normalisation, it is the norm.
That is, there is an originally prescriptive character of the norm and the determination and the identification of the and the becomes possible in relation to this posited norm."

Michel in ’, Territory, Population’, a lecture given at the Collège de France on 25th January 1978; in French : guillaumenicaise.com/wp-conten

#normalisation #normal #abnormal #foucault #safety #quotes #mentalhealth #norms #deviance #conformation #sociology #philosophy #frenchtheory

Last updated 2 years ago

· @estelle
15 followers · 26 posts · Server techhub.social

The social norm is constructed: not naturally occurring but created by the society in which it is found.
Hence there are no actions which in themselves are inherently or universally condemned by all societies at all times. is thus situational and contextual.

#abnormal #deviance #assertive #selfcare #positive #self #selfstudy #bias #reputation #norm #conformation #normal #mentalhealth #sexuality #pervert #madness #morals

Last updated 2 years ago

· @estelle
10 followers · 16 posts · Server infosec.exchange

La norme sociale est construite : elle ne se produit pas naturellement mais est créée par la société dans laquelle on la trouve.
Il n'y a donc pas d'actions qui soient intrinsèquement anormales ou universellement condamnées par toutes les sociétés à tout moment. La est donc situationnelle et contextuelle.

#deviance #soi #pouvoirdesoi #biais #reputation #norme #conformation #normal #santementale #sexualite #perversion #folie #morale #sociologie #psychologie

Last updated 2 years ago

Estelle Platini · @estelle
10 followers · 35 posts · Server pipou.academy

La norme sociale est construite : elle ne se produit pas naturellement mais est créée par la société dans laquelle on la trouve. Référence : pipou.academy/@estelle/1096144
Il n'y a donc pas d'actions qui soient intrinsèquement anormales ou universellement condamnées par toutes les sociétés à tout moment. La est donc situationnelle et contextuelle.

#psychologie #sociologie #morale #folie #Perversion #sexualite #santementale #normal #conformation #normes #reputation #biais #pouvoirdesoi #soi #deviance

Last updated 2 years ago

Melisondra · @Melisondra
15 followers · 45 posts · Server sfba.social

I spent the past few days with my mom in Tucson while she showed her Bobby and felt like sharing a picture of him in the ring on this lovely Sunday.

#irishsetter #dog #dogshow #conformation

Last updated 2 years ago