A quotation from La Bruyere, Jean de:
“One must do as others do”: a suspect maxim, which nearly always means: “one must do wrong” as soon as it is applied to anything beyond those purely external matters which are of no consequence, but depend on custom, fashion or convention.
[«Il faut faire comme les autres»: maxime suspecte, qui signifie presque toujours: «il …
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #acquiescence #conformity
Social influences in the digital era: When do people conform more to a human being or an artificial intelligence? https://www.ethicalpsychology.com/2023/07/social-influences-in-digital-era-when.html #Artificialintelligence(AI) #Informationalinfluence #Cyberpsychology #SocialInfluence #Non-humanagent #Conformity
#artificialintelligence #informationalinfluence #cyberpsychology #socialinfluence #non #conformity
Gizmodo: Pentagon-Funded Study Uses AI to Detect 'Violations of Social Norms' in Text https://gizmodo.com/ai-text-social-norms-violations-pentagon-darpa-study-1850673979 #defenseadvancedresearchprojectsagency #artificialintelligence #technologyinternet #consensusreality #socialagreement #conformity #socialnorm #bengurion #folklore #emotion #openai #darpa #gpt3 #norm
#defenseadvancedresearchprojectsagency #artificialintelligence #technologyinternet #consensusreality #socialagreement #conformity #socialnorm #bengurion #folklore #emotion #openai #darpa #gpt3 #norm
@DavidNielsen @JoBlakely @morecowbell @DemocracyMattersALot
It's a line of thinking and investigation that make entirely Too Many gatekeeping males uncomfortable. Some females, too.
#Conformity is the Great Leveler, ain't it?
One wonders if this is a solid, if contrarian position, or just the Editorially Encouraged right wing slant.
#progressive #progressiveauthors #books
#moralpanics #nonconformity #PamelaPaul #NYT #Structural_Ism
#progressive #progressiveauthors #books #nonconformity #pamelapaul #nyt #structural_ism #conformity #moralpanics
My most recent post on Pop Culture Library Review--> Examining White male librarians in fiction https://popculturelibraries.wordpress.com/2023/07/11/examining-white-male-librarians-in-fiction/ #whitelibrarians #white #librarians #fiction #malelibrarians #whiteness #phineasandferb #shera #regularshow #conformity
#whitelibrarians #white #librarians #fiction #malelibrarians #whiteness #phineasandferb #shera #regularshow #conformity
You will wear what everybody else wears and you will like it!
For many years consigned as a ‘working paper’, Kayla Denton recently gave the manuscript a significant upgrade and refresh so now it has a home in TPB #fertility #demographictransition #conformity
#conformity #demographictransition #fertility
"We are half ruined by conformity, but we should be wholly ruined without it." — Charles Dudley Warner — — — #CharlesDudleyWarner #quote #quotes #conformity #standardization #similarity #rules #society #norms #customs
#charlesdudleywarner #quote #quotes #conformity #standardization #similarity #rules #society #norms #customs
A quotation from Hand, Learned:
A wise man once said, “Convention is like the shell to the chick, a protection till he is strong enough to break it through.”
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #conformity #convention #orthodoxy #protection #weakness
#quote #quotes #quotation #conformity #convention #orthodoxy #protection #weakness
To say "You are right" is to issue a patent of #conformity.
Jacques Ellul explains it well (in French): https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justification_(philosophy) #philosophy #technocriticism #trust #inclusion #security #sociology
#sociology #Security #Inclusion #trust #technocriticism #philosophy #conformity
To say "You are right" is to issue a patent of #conformity.
Jacques Ellul explains it well (in French): https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justification_(philosophy) #philosophy #technocriticism #trust #inclusion #security #sociology
#sociology #Security #Inclusion #trust #technocriticism #philosophy #conformity
#conformity : correspondence in form, manner, or character
- French: conformité
- German: die Übereinstimmung
- Italian: conformità
- Portuguese: conformidade
- Spanish: conformidad
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
#DeschoolingSociety #strikes: The public #defunding of universities, along with their #seizure by corporations and the uber #rich, is part of the slow-motion #corporate #coup d'état. The goal is to enforce #conformity and obedience, to train young people to fill their slots in the corporate machine and leave unquestioned the #statusquo. The #accumulation of vast #wealth, no matter how #nefarious, is prized as the highest good.
#deschoolingsociety #strikes #defunding #Seizure #rich #corporate #coup #conformity #statusquo #accumulation #wealth #nefarious
IMO, it susses out who will toe the line from who won't. Who will prize work above all else, including family, and who won't?
#work #conformity #oneofus #corporateamerica #introverthell
Why do all cars look the same these days, even the colours? Why do so many buildings look similar? Alex Murrell says we're living in "The Age of Average": https://www.alexmurrell.co.uk/articles/the-age-of-average
#marginalrevolution #alexmurrell #diversity #uniformity #conformity #design
A quotation from Woolf, Virginia:
Once conform, once do what other people do because they do it, and a lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #conformity
It just depresses me to see 20something guys walking around downtown in suits like they’ve decided to become Mr. Business.
Cast off your #suits! Cast off #conformity and false formality!
I had such high hopes that this generation would be the one that would finally, once and for all, banish “business attire”.
A quotation from Mays, Benjamin:
I would rather go to hell by choice than to stumble into heaven by following the crowd.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #choice #conformity #crowd #freedom #responsibility
#quote #quotes #quotation #choice #conformity #crowd #freedom #responsibility
Growing up left-handed wasn't much fun. Even today, there are plenty of reminders that I'm still living in a right-handed world.
#LeftHanded #conformity #memories #childhood #Medium #MediumWriters
Friend link to bypass paywall: https://medium.com/@atheistrevolution/ab270f1c882?sk=7b748e28791087a9a9989bab5f1e32fb
#lefthanded #conformity #memories #childhood #medium #mediumwriters
Depending on where you live, there may be many consequences for failing to conform to the popular religion.
#atheism #religion #conformity #mississippi #society #Medium #MediumWriters #social
#atheism #religion #conformity #mississippi #society #medium #mediumwriters #social