#Confus says, give your employees as much #responsibility as possible without delegating them the corresponding #decision-making competences and without giving them access to all relevant #information. If possible, leave them in the dark about what you expect from them. The reward will be maximum #confusion and #waste.
#confus #responsibility #decision #information #confusion #waste
#MeisterKonfus sagt, weshalb einfach, wenn es kompliziert geht? Je komplizierter, desto besser für die #Konfusion und #Verschwendung.
#Konfus says, why simple when you can do complicated? The more complicated, the better for #confusion and #waste.
#meisterkonfus #konfusion #verschwendung #konfus #confusion #waste
A quotation from Byron, George Gordon, Lord:
By those, that deepest feel, are ill exprest
The indistinctness of the suffering breast;
Where thousand thoughts begin to end in one,
Which seeks from all the refuge found in none;
No words suffice the secret soul to show.
And Truth denies all eloquence to Woe.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #confusion #expression #grief #sorrow #woe
#quote #quotes #quotation #confusion #expression #grief #sorrow #woe
Nude at your buddy:
- http://p11c.xyz:666/Body_change/Nude_at_your_buddy
- https://aryion.com/g4/view/926970
After school you accompany your buddy for the first time as a girl.
You really want to take advantage of being a girl now.
#confusion #ritual #nudity #casualnudity #bodychange #humantoy #objectification #casualtouching #friends #friendship #games #fun
#MeisterKonfus sagt, konzentriere Dich immer auf die Schauseite Deiner #Organisation. Den formalen und informalen Teil ignoriere. Je größer die Diskrepanz zwischen den drei Dimensionen, desto größer die #Konfusion und damit die #Verschwendung.
#Konfus says, always focus on the front side of your #organization. Ignore the formal and informal part. The greater the discrepancy between the three dimensions, the greater the #confusion and thus the #waste.
#meisterkonfus #organisation #konfusion #verschwendung #konfus #organization #confusion #waste
#ExtremeHeat Could Lead to #MemoryLoss, #Confusion: Study;
Older #Black adults are particularly vulnerable
#extremeheat #memoryloss #confusion #black
Don't you just love AI? We should call it Artificial Incompletence.
#ai #birthdays #confusion #misinformation
#MeisterKonfus sagt, führe sämtliche entscheidungsrelevanten Gespräch hinter verschlossenen Türen + halte sie nicht fest. Keinesfalls schaffe #Transparenz. Nur eine gut funktionierender, spekulierender #Flurfunk befördert #Verschwendung durch #Verwirrung und #Konfusion.
#Konfus says conduct all decision-relevant conversations behind closed doors and do not hold them. In no way create #transparency. Only a well-functioning, speculative #Flurfunk promotes #waste through #confusion and #confusion.
#meisterkonfus #transparenz #flurfunk #verschwendung #verwirrung #konfusion #konfus #transparency #waste #confusion
#MeisterKonfus sagt, handele stets am jeweiligen Ende des Extrems: Entweder #steuere alles bis in kleinste Details oder gebe keinerlei Richtung vor, die #Orientierung bietet. Die #Konfusion, #Verwirrung und #Verschwendung wird herrlich groß werden.
#Konfus says, always act at the respective end of the extreme: Either #steer everything down to the smallest details or give no direction whatsoever that offers #orientation. The #confusion, #confusion and #waste will become magnificently large.
#meisterkonfus #steuere #orientierung #konfusion #verwirrung #verschwendung #konfus #steer #orientation #confusion #waste
Me clicking the #X logo each time I visit, thinking it will close the window 😑
The Atlantic is frying, but so far hurricanes are dying. What’s going on?
Can wind shear and sinking air hold historically high sea temperatures at bay?
#climate #hotocean #dynamics #hurricanes #coolingshutdown #science #confusion #climatecollapse
#climate #hotocean #dynamics #hurricanes #coolingshutdown #science #confusion #climatecollapse
Standing like humans
Fur coats with spotlights
Real bears, zoo denies
#chinesezoo #bearcostumes #realbears #confusion #cinquain #poetry
#chinesezoo #bearcostumes #realbears #confusion #cinquain #poetry
Food portion sizes on packaging are ‘unrealistic and confusing’, says Which? | The Independent
#food #portionsizes #confusion #which #nhs #alcohol #nutritionlabeling #alcoholunits #recommendedserving #servingsize #serving
Why, in football, is it a great shot when the aim is to get it in the goal, and they've missed. Surely that's a bad shot #football #confusion
Ya, this doesn't seem to be a thing in my experience.
I've met and talked with tons of #Americans. I don't think I've ever heard one express #animosity to Canada. #Confusion, yes. Mistaken #assumptions, yes. #Cliches and #stereotypes, yes. All the #ignorant #naivete you ever heard: we live in #igloos, we just got #electricity last year, all pets must by law be named #Pierre.
And lots that know #nothing about #Canada, including where it is.
But no #hatred.
#americans #animosity #confusion #assumptions #cliches #stereotypes #ignorant #naivete #igloos #electricity #pierre #nothing #canada #hatred
Femboy script meme funny haha
#Femboy #CrossDresser #Twink #Cute #Athletic #LongHair #LGBTQ #Trans #Submissive #Breedable #Trap #Sissy #Pride #Script #Meme #Confused #Confusion #Mistake #Blooper #Funny #Idiotic #Based #Redpilled #Moan #Choker #Fishnets #Mesh #Shirt #Skirt #Pantyhose #Galaxy #Space #Stars #Masked #Bright #Pink #Black #Dark #Joke
#femboy #crossdresser #twink #cute #Athletic #longhair #lgbtq #Trans #submissive #breedable #trap #sissy #pride #script #meme #confused #confusion #mistake #blooper #funny #idiotic #based #redpilled #moan #choker #fishnets #mesh #shirt #skirt #pantyhose #galaxy #space #Stars #masked #bright #pink #black #dark #joke
Tour news: Beyoncé, Paramore / Taylor Swift, Supersuckers, Oblivion Access 2024, more #2023_07_05 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #heavy_metal_news #music_news #tour_dates #beyonce #confusion #crown_of_thornz #killing_time
#2023_07_05 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #heavy_metal_news #music_news #tour_dates #beyonce #confusion #crown_of_thornz #killing_time
Okay, I have what may be a stupid question, but.
I can't think of a single person I know that -likes- Facebook. At best, they tolerate it with gritted teeth and a strong desire to projectile vomit.
Why would anyone want to use another social network run by Facebook/Meta/the Zuck when we've seen what they did with info collection and poisoning the social waters with Facebook?
On tweets each day
Shaping conversations
Frustration, confusion
#twitter #ratelimit #conversations #confusion #cinquain #poetry
#twitter #ratelimit #conversations #confusion #cinquain #poetry
Barbie or Burberry? Mattel says 'BRBY' trademark invites confusion
#trademark #confusion #fashion