New Yorker: How to Decolonize the City #NewYorker #Culture/CulturalComment #Architecture #ArtNouveau #History #Belgium #Congo #Art
#newyorker #Culture #architecture #artnouveau #history #belgium #congo #art
#Amnesty: #mensenrechten geschonden bij winning kobalt en koper in #Congo - Zo goed ben je dus niet bezig bent met #elektrisch rijden. Deze ellende speelt al jaren. Het #Westen en de Westerse consument steekt, vanwege het economisch gewin, de kop in het zand. #struisvogelpolitiek #hrwreport
#amnesty #mensenrechten #congo #elektrisch #westen #struisvogelpolitiek #hrwreport Central Africa News week of 3 Sep. - 9 Sep. 2023 #FocusNewsAfrica #News #Africa #Cameroon #Gabon #DRC #Brazaaville #Congo
#focusnewsafrica #news #Africa #cameroon #Gabon #DRC #brazaaville #congo
🇨🇩 East DR #Congo attack kills 18 people
Armed men attacked a village in the eastern Congolese province of Ituri on Thursday, killing at least 18 people and injuring 12, a local official said. Colonel Jean Siro Simba Bunga, administrator of Irumu territory where the attack happened, said the assailants had burned three bodies but another 15 would be buried.
"Uiteindelijk is Congo alleen gebaat bij een politieke oplossing, stelt Leaity. "Wij roepen de regering van Congo, de andere Afrikaanse landen en de internationale gemeenschap op om samen te werken aan een vreedzame oplossing voor deze crisis, een oplossing die miljoenen ontheemde gezinnen in het oosten van Congo in staat zou stellen naar hun huis terug te keren."
#humanity #internationalegemeenschap #congo
#Rebellen in #Congo laten babytweeling achter met bomgordel om - Geen woorden voor.
DR #Congo forces criticised as 43 protesters killed
#Africa :
48 killed in an anti-United Nations demonstration in the Democratic Republic of the #Congo...!
Of course...the right to opinion and expression is guaranteed by the #United_Nations, as they claim!!
#africa #congo #united_nations #un
Col. Mapela Mviniama said armed men from the CODECO militia assaulted Gobu village on Sunday evening, killing nine civilians and one Congolese soldier.
14 people were killed in an armed attack attributed to suspected CODECO militiamen on Sunday in the Democratic Republic of #Congo's Ituri province, local Radio Okapi reported on Monday.
Central Africa News For the Week of 20 August - 27 August 2023 #CentralAfrica #CAR #Congobrazzaville #Congo #Tchad #Chad #News #Centrafrique #NewsPapers #localNews #FocusNewsAfrica #Cameroon #Cameroun
#centralafrica #car #congobrazzaville #congo #tchad #Chad #news #centrafrique #Newspapers #localnews #focusnewsafrica #cameroon #cameroun
Le Vrai du faux (2023)
Le réalisateur joue avec les faux-semblants et finit par nous perdre.
#LeVraiDuFaux #ArmelHostiou #Documentaire #Kinshasa #Congo #RDC #RépubliqueDémocratiqueDuCongo #Afrique #Film #Cinema
Météore Films
#levraidufaux #armelhostiou #documentaire #Kinshasa #congo #rdc #republiquedemocratiqueducongo #afrique #film #cinema
在一位好莱坞大师的努力下,现在全世界都在讨论原子弹之父罗伯特· #奥本海默。
但我想给您讲述一些银屏没有告诉您的事 —— 关于这位 "原子弹之父"是从哪里获得的铀,能让他在广岛和长崎蒸发掉数十万平民?
#Oppenheimer #Congo #nuclear #colonialism #neocolonialism #ExtractivistCapitalism #humanrights #China
#奥本海默 #Oppenheimer #congo #nuclear #colonialism #neocolonialism #extractivistcapitalism #humanrights #china
Wired: The Dark History ‘Oppenheimer’ Didn't Show #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #ChristopherNolan #Culture/Movies #RawMaterials #Backchannel #atomicbomb #longreads #Culture #nuclear #Congo
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #christophernolan #Culture #rawmaterials #Backchannel #atomicbomb #longreads #nuclear #congo
#Kinshasa (DRC) viewed across the #Congo River from #Brazzaville (ROC) with #SilentSunday vibes.
#kinshasa #congo #brazzaville #silentsunday
About to read #Everfair by #NisiShawl. I was intrigued by the premise of an alternate history where people in the #Congo had advanced technology to resist the #Belgian occupiers. Will update y'all if it's good.
#everfair #nisishawl #congo #belgian #sffh #amreading #alternatehistory
Gift Article: #ISIS #Congo As ISIS affiliate expands in central Africa, escapees recount horrors
How 4 Countries Are Preparing to Bring Stolen Treasures Home
While attention is focused on western museums and governments giving back looted items, heritage workers in the global south are laying the groundwork for new claims.
#museums #heritage #collections #indonesia #cameroon #congo #nepal
#museums #heritage #collections #indonesia #cameroon #congo #nepal