Wednesday's book of the day is:
#congo #congolesepolitics #congolesehistory
#congolesehistory #congolesepolitics #congo
Tuesday's book of the day is:
#patricelumumba #Congo #congolesepolitics #Congolesehistory #biography
#biography #congolesehistory #congolesepolitics #congo #patricelumumba
Bonus book of the day is:
#cheguevara #congo #congolesepolitics #congolesehistory #history
#history #congolesehistory #congolesepolitics #congo #cheguevara
Today marks the death in 1909 of Leopold II of Belgium, rapist of the Congo. There is virtually nothing wrong or wrongheaded about political and social life in the modern Congo—both Kinshasa and Brazzaville—that can’t in one way or another be traced directly back to Leopold.
#LeopoldII #congo #congolesehistory
Today marks the death in 1909 of Leopold II of Belgium, rapist of the Congo. There is virtually nothing wrong or wrongheaded about political and social life in the modern Congo—both Kinshasa and Brazzaville—that can’t in one way or another be traced directly back to Leopold.
#LeopoldII #congo #congolesehistory
Today marks the death in 1909 of Leopold II of Belgium, rapist of the Congo. There is virtually nothing wrong or wrongheaded about political and social life in the modern Congo—both Kinshasa and Brazzaville—that can’t in one way or another be traced directly back to Leopold.
#LeopoldII #congo #congolesehistory