Samuel Alito Is Wrong and Arrogant—and Must Be Reined In - The associate justice says Congress has no authority to regulate the Supreme Court. The Constitution he allegedly reveres says otherwise. A lot.
#SamuelAlitoWrong #SupremeCourtEthics #ConstitutionReveres #ReiningInAlito #CongressAuthority #ArrogantJustice #Politics #News
#samuelalitowrong #SupremeCourtethics #constitutionreveres #reininginalito #congressauthority #arrogantjustice #politics #news
Democrats balk at Alito assertion that Congress has ‘no authority’ over Supreme Court
#DemocratsBalk #AlitoAssertion #CongressAuthority #SupremeCourt #HouseNews #ConstitutionalPower #Politics #News
#democratsbalk #alitoassertion #congressauthority #supremecourt #housenews #constitutionalpower #politics #news
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gives a middle finger to Congress: 'No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court — period.'
#SupremeCourt #SamuelAlito #CongressAuthority #ConstitutionRegulation #JudicialIndependence #SeparationofPowers #Politics #News
#supremecourt #samuelalito #congressauthority #constitutionregulation #judicialindependence #separationofpowers #politics #news
Supreme court’s student loan decision ‘usurps Congress’s authority,’ says Democrat — Ro Khanna of California said he will support another relief plan that Joe Biden is proposing under the Higher Education Act
#RoKhanna #StudentLoanDecision #CongressAuthority #ReliefPlan #HigherEducationAct #SupremeCourt #Politics #News
#rokhanna #studentloandecision #congressauthority #reliefplan #highereducationact #supremecourt #politics #news