please take a moment to sign this #TikTokBan #RESTRICTAct #CongressionalDish #ResistBot
#tiktokban #restrictact #congressionaldish #Resistbot
🍬 The second half of the #FTX pair of #CongressionalDish episodes just dropped. Time to listen! 🍬
🍬 #CongressionalDish just dropped the first episode of a two-part series on #cryptocurrency, focusing mostly on #bitcoin, #blockchain, and SEC regulations. Part two supposedly will have an #FTX focus when it’s released 🍬
#ftx #blockchain #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #congressionaldish
🍬 #CongressionalDish just dropped the first episode of a two-part series on #cryptocurrency, focusing mostly on #bitcoin, #blockchain, and SEC regulations. Part two supposedly will have an #FTX focus when it’s released 🍬
#ftx #blockchain #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #congressionaldish
I should have listened to this sooner.
Jennifer Briney breaks down Putin's speech and the events that led up to the current invasion in Ukraine. The pieces were there, but she helped put them together. #CongressionalDish
🎙️ CD248: Understanding the Enemy
@darrenoneill @SirBemrose I'm finally getting around to listening to Mondays episode of #GOB, and I don't think #crypto will be outlawed in the US.
According to Jen Briney's latest episode of #CongressionalDish, the US is considering using crypto currencies to help find the regime change efforts in #Belarus.
#gob #crypto #congressionaldish #belarus
@Johncdvorak @adam I'm guessing #dhunplugged is also live to tape?
I wonder what percentage of all podcasts are live to tape? I've heard that lady on #congressionaldish mention outsourcing her post stuff but i understand with the work that must be required for her show.
Even with people sending you guys clips (when i hear something it's too late to hit record) over the years you guys (and everyone involved) have done your time. Now it's like a well oiled machine with a million parts.
#dhunplugged #congressionaldish
#Congressionaldish although Jen's definitely liberal, she's honest and works hard, like the #grimerica folk, the #higherside folk, etc.
Combine everything. Might be too much for listeners. But at least it's be a voice that sounds more hillbilly than them probably and with no ads maybe old folk and the youngins alike would benefit.
#congressionaldish #grimerica #higherside
#congressionaldish 149 fossil fuel foxes
An indepth look at Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke
Exxon Mobil’s CEO is now the Secretary of State. The Koch Brothers’ Congressman is the CIA Director. We’ve already seen signs that the Trump Administration and the fossil fuel industry are merging. In this episode, hear the highlights of the confirmation hearings of the two men now most responsible for environmental law enforcement in the United States secretary.........