As a "UFO whistleblower" testifies before the U.S. Congress, that sound you may be hearing is Philip Klass, Carl Sagan, & James Randi rolling over in their graves!
Photo: Journalist & UFO debunker Philip Klass--via Skeptic online
#UFO #UAP #Science #Journalism #CarlSagan #JamesRandi #AmazingRandi #PhilipKlass #Congress #USCongress #USHouse #HouseOfRepresentatives #CongressionalHearing #DavidGrusch
#scienceisreal #ufo #uap #Science #Journalism #carlsagan #jamesrandi #amazingrandi #philipklass #congress #uscongress #ushouse #houseofrepresentatives #congressionalhearing #davidgrusch
The Youtube chat on the UFO hearing is bonkers. The conspiracy theorists are out in force and it's crazy.
Did they expect the whistleblower to cart out a grey alien corpse for the committee?
#ufohearing #congressionalhearing
Republicans Have So Little Hunter Biden Evidence They Shared His Nudes Instead — Marjorie Taylor Greene waved the photos around in a congressional hearing.
#RepublicansHunterBidenEvidence #MarjorieTaylorGreene #CongressionalHearing #HunterBidenNudes #RepublicanTactics #LackofEvidence #Politics #News
#republicanshunterbidenevidence #marjorietaylorgreene #congressionalhearing #hunterbidennudes #republicantactics #lackofevidence #politics #news
…Dems interjected, pointing out that Greene had gone over her allotted time & warning that her actions were not appropriate. But #HouseOversight Chair James #Comer, who has spearheaded the investigation into the Bidens, did not reprimand Greene.
Not only was Greene’s decision to wave Biden’s nudes around wildly inappropriate for a #CongressionalHearing, but it may also have violated DC #RevengePornLaw.
#CongressionalHearing #HunterBiden #HouseRepublicans #law #consent #Comer
#houseoversight #comer #congressionalhearing #revengepornlaw #hunterbiden #houserepublicans #law #consent
But again, during that #House #hearing, #Republicans & their “#whistleblower” witnesses failed to show any meaningful #evidence of… corruption.
So instead, #MarjorieTaylorGreene tried to claim that Biden engaged in sex trafficking…. As part of her argument, she held up poster-size prints of Biden’s nude photos, which were taken off his laptop.
Everyone else in the room grew visibly uncomfortable as Greene displayed photo after photo.
#house #hearing #republicans #whistleblower #evidence #marjorietaylorgreene #congressionalhearing #revengepornlaw #law #consent #comer
#Republicans have yet to produce any #evidence of actual wrongdoing by #HunterBiden, so they let #MarjorieTaylorGreene wave his nude photos around Wed during a #HouseOversight Cmte hearing on his taxes.
#HouseRepublicans have for mos accused the Bidens of corruption & other forms of wrongdoing, although they have yet to produce any actual evidence. They’ve recently seized on Hunter Biden’s plea deal on his taxes….
#CongressionalHearing #RevengePornLaw #law #consent #Despicable #Comer
#republicans #evidence #hunterbiden #marjorietaylorgreene #houseoversight #houserepublicans #congressionalhearing #revengepornlaw #law #consent #despicable #comer
So I'm not watching 5+ hours of this. Does anyone ask about where user Metadata go?
They need Field Day Delegates to support congressional leaders
#congressionalhearing #tiktok #TFD
Watching the recording of the congressional hearing on tiktok. The chair's opening was so full of emotions and dog whistles that it's hard to believe she understand the real danger.
The USA has some of the stupidest people in Government. 🤦🏻♀️
CNET on TikTok
>😳😳😳……… #TikTok #TikTokNews #Congress #TikTokCEO #ShouChew #Wifi #internet #congressionalhearing #TikTokban #tiktokhearing
#tiktokhearing #tiktokban #congressionalhearing #Internet #wifi #shouchew #TikTokCEO #Congress #tiktoknews #TikTok
#MattTaibbi exposes himself as an opportunist for the #rightwing during #CongressionalHearing
#thehumanist #matttaibbi #rightwing #congressionalhearing
While waiting for the indictment of Donald John Trump, let's enjoy the little things, like Chrissy Tiegen's tweet, for which he violated the 1st Amendment entering the Congressional record. You know: about him being an "assbitch" ... 🤣
#trump #assbitch #1stAmendment #twitterFiles #censorship #freeSpeech #insults #snowflakes #congressionalHearing #congressionalRecords #politics
#trump #assbitch #1stamendment #twitterfiles #censorship #freespeech #insults #snowflakes #congressionalhearing #congressionalrecords #politics
Out of all the things I don’t understand about politics the thing that’s confounding me today is why the everlasting F@)&!! are we having a congressional hearing about Taylor Swift tickets when there’s been more shootings in 2023 than days? #USPol #blackmastodoncaucus #CongressionalHearing
#congressionalhearing #blackmastodoncaucus #uspol
Kongressabgeordnete Maxine Waters fordert Sam Bankman-Fried auf, nächste Woche an einer Anhörung im Kongress teilzunehmen #MaxineWaters #CongressionalHearing
#maxinewaters #congressionalhearing
Maxine Waters Criticized for Praising SBF — Lawmaker Says ‘We Appreciate That You’ve Been Candid’ - Congresswoman Maxine Waters has been heavily criticized for saying that she apprec... - #maxinewaterssambankman-fried #congresswomanmaxinewaters #congresssambankman-fried #congressionalhearing #rep.maxinewaters #sambankman-fried #maxinewaterssbf #maxinewaters #congresssbf
#congresssbf #maxinewaters #maxinewaterssbf #sambankman #rep #congressionalhearing #congresssambankman #congresswomanmaxinewaters #maxinewaterssambankman
Cherokee Nation One Step Closer to Having Congressional Delegate #congress #nativeamerican #congressionalhearing #cherokeenation
#congress #nativeamerican #congressionalhearing #cherokeenation
Oh I thought this was a “conspiracy theory”. 🤣😂 nevermind when I posted this last it was being said in a #congressionalhearing. Maybe now that news week says it? It will be believed? #Geneticsequencing is done in #China.
#China #Geneticsequencing #congressionalhearing