Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Criticizes Fednow Project, Pushes for Return to Gold Standard - On Wednesday, Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG), a Republican member of the U.S. House ... - #permissionlesscryptocurrencies #ushouseofrepresentatives #senatorelizabethwarren #canadianprimeminister #congressionalleaders #cryptocurrencyowners #marjorietaylorgreene #anti-crypto
#anti #marjorietaylorgreene #cryptocurrencyowners #congressionalleaders #canadianprimeminister #senatorelizabethwarren #ushouseofrepresentatives #permissionlesscryptocurrencies
POTUS and VP Harris met with Democratic Congressional Leaders at the White House.
#MVP #VPHarris #KamalaHarris #POTUS #HakeemJeffries #dems
#congressionalleaders #khive @khive
📸: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds
#mvp #vpharris #kamalaharris #potus #HakeemJeffries #dems #congressionalleaders #khive
Watch how fast this bill gets shot down. Watch your reps - if they don't vote for it, kick 'em to the curb. #HoldCongressAccountable #congressionalleaders
#holdcongressaccountable #congressionalleaders