Anyway that "RepoCrisis" never actually resolved itself. They were printing tens of billions per day for their mates and etc, leading into .

We know that seem to have known ahead of time in Jan 2020 that covid will be used to the , given that those who were privy to breifings divested from and sold in places like .

Who is charting the money printing, and its distribution?

#fortune500 #COVID19 #congresspersons #explainAway #economicFailure #stocks #realestate #overdeveloped #newyork

Last updated 3 years ago

The revelations that the even contemplated murdering a journalist and publisher like show that some in the CIA should be in prison right now, not Assange.

It definately highlights that this whole assault on needs to end.

Let Assange do his job, dammit.

Also when is that CIA going to be broken up and governed by actual ?

(BTW is regretably )

#cia #julianassange #journalism #congresspersons #freeassangenow #thecanary #cloudflare

Last updated 3 years ago

So we disagree about being to blame for the poor response.

Blame the , that probably didn't care enough about their viewers to inform them. Blame the in the who after being briefed about the virus on 17 Jan (or thereabouts), decided to use the knowledge to play the .

#china #partisanMedia #corrupt #congresspersons #usa #stockmarket

Last updated 4 years ago

Nothing is actually proven about the outbreak. There's a lot of innuendo that its the dirty and their dirty ways are to blame, a common . In the same breathe, , who once labelled anyone with a bad word to say about China as racist, now are happy to talk about , and .

In Jan 2020, US used knowledge from for and are currently buying assets back at .

#chinese #warcry #globalists #overpopulation #climatechange #habitatloss #congresspersons #intelligenceBreifings #financialGain #bargainPrices

Last updated 4 years ago