B.C.'s wildfires were expected, says fire ecologist -
#prescribedburning #Canada #wildfires #bc #BritishColumbia #yellowknife
#conifers #prescribedburning #canada #wildfires #bc #britishcolumbia #yellowknife
Delighted to say I've been included in Thompson & Morgan's masterclass on growing conifers!
#gardening #conifers #thompsonandmorgan #masterclass #trees #evergreen #gardeningtips
#gardening #conifers #thompsonandmorgan #masterclass #trees #evergreen #gardeningtips
Always fun to "Draw Your Study Organism". Head to the #BritishEcologicalSociety #BES booth at #ESA2023 to draw yours. #MastSeeding #Variation #Conifers 🌲
#britishecologicalsociety #BES #esa2023 #MastSeeding #variation #conifers
the tree lined path
#scotland #photography #nature #conifers #silentsunday
On the way to the shops: female flowers of Scots Pine, Pinus sylvestris, bursting out of their wrapping. When things are super-stressful, for whatever reason, a part of me remembers to look around. Next time I'll try to find the male flowers -- the tree is monoecious. #botany #conifers #ClimateDiary #Islington
#botany #conifers #ClimateDiary #islington
RT @Scott_Zona
In #conifers, the fleshy disseminule is sometimes called a fructoid, but fleshy bits are derived from different structures. Taxus (#Taxaceae) bears a single, terminal seed partially surrounded by an aril (fleshy funiculus [ovule stalk]). 📷: T. baccata Ettore Balocchi (CC BY 2.0)
Back from my trip to Grand Staircase Escalante NM in Utah. At Escalante Petrified Forest SP I saw the largest, most plentiful and intensely colored petrified tree stumps. They date back 220 million years. Very special treat to see. They were conifers and some have been identified as belonging to the Auricaria family.
#Photography #PetrifiedTrees #Conifers #Geology #ChinleFormation #Utah #EscalantePetrifiedForestStatePark #GrandStaircaseEscalanteNM
Click to expand
#photography #petrifiedtrees #conifers #geology #chinleformation #utah #escalantepetrifiedforeststatepark #grandstaircaseescalantenm
Quick experiment with linocut
"Midnight Sun"
Roughly A7
#art #ricrobinsonart #portsmouthartist #linocut #linoprint #lino #embellished #gold #nordic #artwork #printmaking #printwork #blackandwhite #conifers #artistsharing
#art #ricrobinsonart #portsmouthartist #linocut #linoprint #lino #embellished #Gold #nordic #artwork #printmaking #printwork #BlackAndWhite #conifers #artistsharing
Corsicaanse den (Pinus nigra subsp. laricio, synoniem Pinus nigra var. corsicana)
De Corsicaanse den komt oorspronkelijk onder andere uit Corsica. Daarnaast komt hij van nature voor in Zuid-Italië en Sicilië.
Het woord den komt in veel Germaanse talen voor, in diverse vormen, en voert wellicht terug op een Protogermaans woord voor ‘woud’ of ‘wildernis’.
Pinus is het Latijnse woord voor ‘den’ en heeft mogelijk wortels in het Indo-Europese pīt, dat ‘hars’ betekent.
Nigra betekent 'zwart', en het is vooral de schors van andere ondersoorten van P. nigra die zo donker gekleurd is dat die aanleiding gaf voor deze soortnaam.
De herkomst van laricio is mij niet bekend.
De Corsicaanse den is een populaire boom die in tuinen en parken werd aangeplant.
Ook een niet onaanzienlijk deel van onze bossen bestaan uit deze dennen, bedoeld voor de productie van timmerhout.
#Bomen #Trees #Conifers #Naaldbomen #Coniferen #Dendrology #Dendrologie #Etymology #Etymologie #Taxonomie #Taxonomy #Nature #Natuur #Plants #Planten
#planten #plants #natuur #Nature #taxonomy #taxonomie #etymologie #etymology #Dendrologie #dendrology #coniferen #naaldbomen #conifers #trees #bomen
The "cone" of a Norfolk Island pine. It's a relative of the Monkey Puzzle tree - which you can kinda see from the spiky leaf-needles around the cone.
#Plants #Trees #Conifers #NorfolkIslandPine #TreesOfMastodon #Photography #WeirdSpikyGreenConeThing
#plants #trees #conifers #norfolkislandpine #treesofmastodon #photography #weirdspikygreenconething
Near #Shropshire, UK? Want to #ID #Conifers? Of course you do! Saturday 11th March, Nescliffe, with Mark Duffell, organised by the #WildFlowerSociety & #BSBI
“Fancy getting to grips with Conifers can't tell your Spruce from your Firs or would like to separate the 'cypresses'?”
#bsbi #wildflowersociety #conifers #id #shropshire
Jurassic vintage plants at the Monash Caufield campus (Agathis robusta, Macrozamia communis & a very large unidentified zamioid cycad)
#jurassic #botany #paleobotany #cycads #conifers
Misty day in the mountains.
#mist #misty #mistodon #hiking #pnw #conifers #pacificNorthwest #trees #nature #photography #landscapePhotography
#landscapephotography #photography #nature #trees #pacificnorthwest #conifers #pnw #hiking #mistodon #misty #mist
I'm a big fan of conifers because they have such beautiful and unique trunks. This one down the street from me is one of my favorites both because of the wonderful bark but also because of the cool knotting. I've taken quite a few photos of it over the past few years and often stop by to say hello 👋🌲.
( 07/28/22)
#conifer #conifers #tree #trees #TreePhotography #TreesOfMastodon #nature #NaturePhotography #NatureMastodon #MastoArt #photography #AltText
#conifer #conifers #tree #trees #treephotography #treesofmastodon #nature #naturephotography #naturemastodon #MastoArt #photography #alttext
#Photography #Nature #macro #arborculture #conifers