Like two ships passing in the night, we had a beautiful conjunction of #Venus and #Jupiter gliding past one another. Lucky to have captured these images before the clouds moved in. #conjunction #conjunctionjunction
#venus #jupiter #conjunction #conjunctionjunction
No love for #conjunctionjunction ?!
Y'all play too much.
#conjunctionjunction #schoolhouserock
Okay, Principal Seacrest! Here for it.
#conjunctionjunction #balance #schoolhouserocktaughtme
I'm a sucker for "Schoolhouse Rock!". Grew up with it as part of a delicious breakfast. Tonight ABC airs a 50th Anniversary Singalong Celebration special like network specials of yore. Looks goofy as hell. But I'll add it to the YouTube TV library anyway. 📺 8/7c on ABC and Stream Next Day on Hulu.
Black Eyed Peas, The Muppets, Kal Penn, Shaquille O'Neal
#SchoolhouseRock #ABC #TV #JustABill #ConjunctionJunction #GetYourAdverbsHere #ThreeIsAMagicNumber #FigureEight
#schoolhouserock #abc #tv #justabill #conjunctionjunction #getyouradverbshere #threeisamagicnumber #figureeight
this was going to be a poll but it seems i can't have both a picture and a poll, so i'll just leave it here #SchoolhouseRock #ConjunctionJunction
#schoolhouserock #conjunctionjunction
sadly the building with this cool #SchoolHouseRock mural has been demolished to make way for yet another massive luxury highrise in #LIC. #Gentrification in #Queens is out of control. #NYC needs affordable housing! #ConjunctionJunction has apparently lost its function.
#schoolhouserock #lic #gentrification #queens #nyc #conjunctionjunction