@SkibuSmith This sounds like the Nevada equivalent of "build a wall and Mexico will pay for it."
I can only assume that the Clark County commissioners are either very stupid or hoping this project will make it look like they are doing something to improve transit. Good transit planning is hard -- much easier to play along with a ridiculous fantasy.
important & fascinating
#gatekeeping #belief #culture #credibility #familiarity #signalling #fakingIt #business #conMen #asylum #racism
#gatekeeping #belief #culture #credibility #familiarity #signalling #fakingit #business #conmen #asylum #racism
2 consecutive life sentences for #Murdaugh. Judge gave him a chance to speak before sentencing, and Murdaugh again claimed he was innocent of murdering his wife & son. Just remarkable how wedded conmen are to maintaining their cons. Hope #conmen everywhere are paying attention.
RT @abbydphillip
Judge Newman sentences Alex Murdaugh to life in prison for the murder of his wife Maggie and son Paul.
What you need to remember, with these guys, is that they don't know they're #conMen. They're wildly overconfident. Omnipotence, omniscience - that's part of the mythology
@FinchHaven you forgot, #bozos, #buffoons, #sociopath, #narcissistic, #mendacious and just regular #conMen
#bozos #Buffoons #sociopath #narcissistic #mendacious #conmen
"We have got to have more people who help others see through the confident wrong assertions of the noisy and successful."
—Nathan J. Robinson against bullsh*tters from Donald Tr*mp to Jordan Peterson
#currentevents #bullshit #articles #SocialMalaise #conmen #SamBankmanFried #JordanPeterson #ElizabethHolmes #BenShapiro #CurrentAffairs
#currentevents #bullshit #articles #socialmalaise #conmen #sambankmanfried #jordanpeterson #elizabethholmes #benshapiro #currentaffairs
The weird history of the ‘expert’ who invented the vomiting machine conspiracy. #politics #computers #conmen https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-montgomery/
The Church of God describes Layne as a Prophet, a successor of Enoch:
"God has always had leading figures of faith who were more prominent in fulfilling His purposes, whether it be a Paul, Menno Simon, or John Wesley. We view these chosen vessels at their allotted times in the gospel day. Permit us now to bring to view another of heaven’s selected vessels—Bro. Daniel W. Layne."
From the Church of God (Aylmer) website,
#grifters #conmen #newreligiousmovements
The Church of God (Restoration) is a highly-disciplined, anti-modern Christian sect. Doctors and medicine are strictly forbidden, corporal punishment is mandatory, and adherents separate themselves symbolically and literally from the outside world.
The Church was founded by Daniel Layne in Aylmer, #Ontario. Layne was described by former followers as being a totalitarian dictator. He described himself as a former addict who had left Skid Row to find God.
#ontario #grift #newreligiousmovements #conmen
New York Magazine avait également lancé une newsletter limitée, en huit envois, consacrée aux escrocs (avec des super histoires, je recommande si le sujet vous intéresse)
#hustlers #conmen
Televangelists are going kookoo over this election. How do they keep their tax-free status?
#Makarabaklakaka #SpeakingInForkedTongues
#SpeakingInForkedTongues #Makarabaklakaka #conmen #televangelism #evangelism #jesus
Televangelists are going kookoo over this election. How do they keep their tax-free status?
#Makarabaklakaka #SpeakingInForkedTongues
#SpeakingInForkedTongues #Makarabaklakaka #conmen #televangelism #evangelism #jesus