Last March, the Dutch NREN @SURF organised the 4th edition of the cyber crisis exercise #OZON 🕵♀️
72 orgs and 2,000+ people joined from #education, #research & #healthcare! 👉
📖 Also featured in the latest GÉANT CONNECT Magazine, #CONNECT43 👉
Do you work for an NREN & are keen to participate in a cyber crisis exercise? Register for CLAW 2023, the #CrisisManagement exercise for the NREN Community. 5-6 December, Poznań 👉
#crisismanagement #connect43 #Healthcare #Research #Education #ozon
Kristiaan De Greve is Programme Director of #QuantumComputing at #imec, Associate Professor at #KULeuven and visiting researcher at #Harvard University.
The Belgian NREN #Belnet spoke to him about #QuantumKeyDistribution and the focus of the #BeQCI project. 👉
The article is also featured in the latest issue of the GÉANT CONNECT Magazine, #CONNECT43 👉
#cryptography #QKD #quantum #connect43 #beqci #QuantumKeyDistribution #Belnet #harvard #kuleuven #IMEC #quantumcomputing
In today’s complex world, successful project implementation and external engagements are key for #NRENs to achieve their objectives.
Our Advocacy and Engagement Manager, Nicky Wako, examines why developing concrete internal #policies is important.
👉 Read the full article:
🔎 Featured on #CONNECT43, the latest issue of the GÉANT CONNECT Magazine
#partnership #africaconnect3 #engagement #policy #trust #projects
#projects #trust #policy #engagement #africaconnect3 #partnership #connect43 #policies #nrens
A new #subsea circuit from Galway to Reykjavik is the new connection for clients of the Irish NREN #HEAnet to connect to the Nordic #Research & #Education #Network, @nordunet 🙌
This will allow for the new weather forecasting modelling of the Irish Meteorological Service Met Éireann to be performed at a #HPC centre in Reykjavik! 👉
Also featured on #CONNECT43, the latest CONNECT Magazine 📖
#lumisupercomputer #Ireland #meteorology #supercomputing #connect43 #hpc #network #Education #Research #heanet #subsea
🤳 The #Internet #Brasil Program aims to bring #connectivity and digital inclusion to #students and low-income families through the free distribution of cell phone chips and data packages.
👏 There are 17 participating schools in the Northeast of the country and 5,775 chips have been already activated!
👉 Read more about this initiative from the Brazilian NREN RNP
📖 featured on #CONNECT43
#digitalinclusion #Schools #Brazil #Education #Technology #connect43 #students #connectivity #Brasil #Internet
Juha Oinonen is the new director of the Finnish NREN #FUNET at #CSC and a newly appointed member of the #GÉANT General Assembly.
We spoke with him about his new role and about CSC’s plans for the future 👉
This article is also featured on the latest GÉANT CONNECT Magazine, #CONNECT43 📖
#Network #Finland #Research #Education #innovation #LUMIsupercomputer #supercomputing #HPC #EuroHPC #NORDUnet #connectivity #GÉANTnetwork
#geantnetwork #connectivity #nordunet #EuroHPC #hpc #supercomputing #lumisupercomputer #innovation #Education #Research #Finland #network #connect43 #geant #csc #funet
In #CONNECT43, the latest issue of the GÉANT CONNECT Magazine, Ezri Carlebach, writer & lifelong #ScienceFiction fan, tells us why - in the current hype about #AI developments - we should pay attention to #SciFi (or ‘SF’ for connoisseurs), especially to its ability to stimulate #innovation 🤖
Read the article 👉
Full magazine 👉
#innovation #SciFi #AI #sciencefiction #connect43
🔐 About our recent #security restructure - what is it and what are the implications for our community?
We spoke to Ana Alves, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Data Protection Officer (DPO) at #GÉANT 👉
The interview is also featured on #CONNECT43, the latest issue of the GÉANT CONNECT Magazine 👉
#Privacy #dataprotection #dpo #CISO #CyberSecurity #connect43 #geant #Security
The clock is ticking - we only have 7 years left to attain #SustainableDevelopmentGoals (SDGs); and the interests of decision-makers and funding organisations have heightened.
How is your organisations contributing to the #SDGs?
Find out how the African #Research and #Education Networks are doing it
This article is also featured on #CONNECT43, the latest @geant CONNECT magazine, 📖
#sustainabledevelopment #Africa #unsdgs #nrens #connect43 #Education #Research #sdgs #sustainabledevelopmentgoals
The new EU-funded project #SUBMERSE started in May 2023!
It aims to use existing submarine cables from the #research and #education community to monitor the Earth and its systems.
🌊 it avoids the need for extra hardware under the sea
🌿 it improves the return on investment by widening its use
The article is also featured on #CONNECT43 👉
#innovation #infrastructure #submarinecables #science #technology #sensors #oceanography
#oceanography #sensors #Technology #Science #submarinecables #infrastructure #innovation #connect43 #Education #Research #submerse
#eduroam has massive potential to extend the boundaries of #connectivity beyond campus for students, researchers and educators.
Jisc's CEO Heidi Fraser-Krauss explains how @eduroam can increase accessibility, reduce IT workload, help close the digital equity gap👉
The article is also featured on #CONNECT43, the latest issue of the GÉANT CONNECT Magazine👉
#education #students #researchers #educators #academia #highereducation #wifi #digitalequity
#digitalequity #wifi #Highereducation #academia #Educators #researchers #students #Education #connect43 #connectivity #eduroam
What could the #campus look like in 2040 to fit in well with rapidly changing #education?
With the Future Campus project, @SURF is investigating how the campus should change along with technological and social trends.
Read more & join the discussion 👉
The article by @Jan is also featured in the latest issue of GÉANT's CONNECT Magazine, #CONNECT43! 📰
@irishuisintveld #Future #FutureCampus #edtech #futuring #SURF
#surf #futuring #edtech #futurecampus #future #connect43 #Education #campus
Arjan Xhelaj, Director general of RASH, the Academic Network of #Albania, was awarded the Medal of Honour by the Vietsch Foundation for his dedication and commitment to the Albanian #NREN .
We talked to him about his plans and vision for #research and #education in Albania 🇦🇱
#tnc23 #connect43 #Education #Research #nren #albania
People are much easier to hack than IT systems, and cannot be trained or programmed like machines...
So how can we address the 'human factor" in #cybersecurity and create positive and motivating learning experiences?
With games!
Cornelia Puhze tells us about #CyberSec training at the Swiss NREN SWITCH and about their Security Awareness Adventures 👉
The article is also featured in #CONNECT43, the latest issue of the GÉANT CONNECT Magazine 📰
#connect43 #cybersec #CyberSecurity
🌟 Ida Holz: "mother of the #internet", as described by Vint Cerf.
She is the pioneer behind the first Internet node in #Uruguay and a visionary leader in the development of an independent Latin American network!
We celebrate her story and her achievements 👉
This article features in #CONNECT43 📖
#connectivity #community #LatinAmerica #LatAm #RedCLARA #Historyoftheinternet #NRENs #Research #Education #Network
#network #Education #Research #nrens #historyoftheinternet #redclara #latam #latinamerica #Community #connectivity #connect43 #uruguay #Internet
A new GÉANT #Cloud Strategy Forum kicked off earlier this year, aiming to improve the process of involving NRENs in joint procurement activities & to develop a holistic strategy for sourcing infrastructure-cloud services.
Read about the forum's plans, activities and road ahead:
The article is also featured on the latest CONNECT magazine, #CONNECT43 📰
#CloudStrategy #CloudServices #procurement #NRENs #Research #Education #collaboration
#collaboration #Education #Research #nrens #procurement #cloudservices #cloudstrategy #connect43 #Cloud
The #DigitalDecade aims to ensure that all European citizens have access to secure, high-quality digital #infrastructure & services while also protecting their rights online.
What do #NRENs have to do with it?
The article is also featured on the latest CONNECT Magazine, #CONNECT43 👉
#Europe #digitaltransformation #connect43 #nrens #infrastructure #DigitalDecade
Our community has a track record of >25 years of funding through European Frameworks Programmes.
With the Multi Annual Financial Framework ending in 2027, how do we look, together, at our future and avoid fragmentation of funding for our "Big 5"?
The article "#GÉANT Fit for 2028" - featured in #CONNECT43 - discusses why we should be looking ahead to ensure that our community keeps serving #research & #education in Europe for the next decade 👉
#Education #Research #connect43 #geant
Did Mira Mezini's keynote on day 1 of #TNC23 spark your interest? Would you like to know more about her career and her work on software #decentralisation?
Read our interview with her in the latest issue of the GÉANT CONNECT Magazine, #CONNECT43 👉
#decentralisation #connect43 #tnc23
📢 #CONNECT43 is out! Grab your copy at TNC to read about:
🌞 All things #TNC23 related
👩💻 Ida Holz "mother of the Internet" in Latin America
🎙️ Interview with @m_mezini
💪 How the African community contributes to #SDGs
📰 also available as digital!