Exploration: How a “Standard 8-3” (that's an 8-unit building on a standard size lot) could be designed and built today, thanks to the #ConnectedCommunities ordinance https://www.chicagocityscape.com/blog/exploration-how-a-standard-8-3-could-be-designed-and-built-today-861fd4d553
A new #ConnectedCommunities ordinance example was permitted: 12-unit residential building with six parking spaces, as of right. See where -> https://www.chicagocityscape.com/permit/100998749
Check out this #ConnectedCommunities-enabled housing development: subdividing a single-family house into 7 apartments, with zero car parking spaces. https://www.chicagocityscape.com/permit/100989475
We try hard to keep our members informed and connect the dots between city planning policy and permits, like this project which is using the new #ConnectedCommunities ordinance and #UnusedZoningCapacity. https://www.chicagocityscape.com/permits.php?pid=100972607
#connectedcommunities #unusedzoningcapacity
RT @kimleadbeater
Very proud to Chair the APPG on #Loneliness & #ConnectedCommunities today in Parliament. A fantastic panel inc. my co-chair @tracey_crouch & great discussions centred around the excellent @RedCrossPolicy report on Loneliness at Work⬇️ Thank you to all involved👏🏻 @EndLonelinessUK https://twitter.com/redcrosspolicy/status/1618171939180412929
#loneliness #connectedcommunities
Imagining a more local resilient future #resilentcommunities #degrowth #connectedcommunities #future #climateemergency #peakoil
#resilentcommunities #degrowth #connectedcommunities #future #climateemergency #peakoil
RT @MalikGul@twitter.com
Community - Led Health Clinic in full swing @WCENLondon@twitter.com local people in collaboration with @SWLNHS@twitter.com providing neighbourliness, healthcare advice, warm drinks and conversations #ConnectedCommunities #Coproduction
#connectedcommunities #coproduction
This could be huge..."Connected Communities" re-legalizes six-unit houses on standard size lots. https://www.chicagocityscape.com/blog/connected-communities-re-legalizes-six-unit-houses-on-standard-size-lots-4675502559
Basically, it is car parking requirements in R zoning districts preventing more than 3 units from being built on a standard size lot.
That”s changed now for lots zoned RM-5+ and in TOD areas. #Standard63 #zoning #ConnectedCommunities
#standard63 #zoning #connectedcommunities
RT @ChiBuildings
This could be huge..."Connected Communities" re-legalizes six-unit houses on standard size lots. #Standard63 #zoning #ConnectedCommunities https://buff.ly/3YJ2w0d
#connectedcommunities #zoning #standard63
I'm totally going to upstage @banjofox@dev.glitch.social
https://aardwolf.social just got a jekyll-powered site upgrade.
Complete with follow-banjo-on-mastodon button with a CUTE LITTLE MASTODON ICON
#aardwolf #connectedcommunities