#Gardening #DigHere #GlacierRetreat #Connecticutting #Connecticut
This is so accurate where I live! I heard a rumor there was some decent rock free soil near the CT river, but could be a myth.
#gardening #dighere #glacierretreat #connecticutting #connecticut
Stay safe my Connecticut and New England friends! It's very gross out right now.
#Weather #Connecticutting #PickALane
"Hey weather?"
"Could you pick a damn lane and either snow or rain, but not both?"
#weather #connecticutting #pickalane
#Citrus #NiceDay #NeemOil #Gardening #PlantBath #NutmegState #Connecticutting
All the big guys got out today for a spray down with Neem, and will get a good hose down in another hour. 61 degrees (16.1 C) here in CT. We'll take it!
#citrus #niceday #neemoil #gardening #plantbath #nutmegstate #connecticutting