Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
3608 followers · 2194 posts · Server aus.social

So, it's been a while since I did an post where, I find interesting people for you to follow on , and use my reach to more closely connect the :fediverse:

@ANUResearch is the official Mastodon account of Research (I think, it all looks very legit, but I don't know the person behind the account) πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

@drwaus is the new official account for Digital Rights Watch in Australia (h/t to all the good work Sam @floreani is doing in this space - don't forget to catch her at @pyconau@fosstodon.org later this month!)

@AoIR is the official Association of account. Read more at aoir.org/about πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Professor @nilsph1 works in organisation and information retrieval at the Department of Archive, Library and Information Studies at Metropolitan University @oslomet :flag-no:

@fionatribe is an , workplace and who works in and πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

@dcm is Dimitri Coelho Mollo, an Assistant in the Philosophy of at University :flag-se:

@anders is a strategist for :flag-se:

@rachaelvdm is a interested in πŸ‡³πŸ‡± πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

@bentarnoff is a technical , who recently wrote a brilliant piece on Joseph for The Guardian. You should read it. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

@observablehq is the official account of the platform, based on from @mbostock

That's all for today, don't forget to share your own , particularly as we say ❀️

#introduction #connectionlist #twittermigration #mastodon #fediverse #anu #research #university #keynote #internet #researchers #knowledge #ir #oslo #anthropologist #strategist #ethnographer #architecture #orgdesign #professor #ai #umea #communication #sweden #metadata #librarian #glam #nature #art #history #writer #weizenbaum #dataviz #d3js #riptwitter

Last updated 1 year ago

· @bignose
15 followers · 295 posts · Server theblower.au


> It's time for me to do another

I mis-read this as "do another "

where I hand-pick a selection of posts that are Wrong and Need Correction.

Then I remembered, we don't have to do that here, we can just relate and talk like regular people.

#connectionlist #correctionlist

Last updated 1 year ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
3546 followers · 2103 posts · Server aus.social

Good morning, :fediverse: It's time for me to do another post, where I hand-select interesting people on you may wish to follow - using my reach to more closely connect us together.

@digitisethedawn is a which posts content from The Dawn: A Journal for Australian Women 1888-1905, digitised in by the National Library of Australia (@nlagovau on Twitter) as the result of a campaign spear-headed by @kattekrab. A delight for and history scholars πŸŽ“ πŸ“š πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί


@tiny_m is new to , please make them welcome (not assuming pronouns). They enjoy , , , and ✨

@divinetechygirl is Christina and they are into and πŸ”’

@hamub is Humphrey Butau, who blogs about , and 🐍. Humprey is a and and you can read their blog at hbutau.github.io/ πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡Ό

@ssharwood is the APAC editor of tech news site, The Register (don't know if they're on Mastodon, the results for them don't look legit). Into enterprise , , , and πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

@DanielleVossebeld is a candidate on of in and researches design and πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

@ErikUden is the for mastodon.de and is an enthusiast (too!) 🐧 πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

@antonwasson is a in interested in , and πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

@LR is Luca Rossi, who is a in at the of πŸ‡©πŸ‡°

That's all for today, don't forget to share your own lists ❀️

#fediverse #connectionlist #introduction #introductions #mastodon #bot #Trove #digitalhumanities #webdev #costumes #cosplay #sparkly #animals #security #identity #infosec #python #django #htmx #psf #dsf #fellow #tech #auspol #science #cycling #cricket #phd #complexity #design #nursing #engineering #mastoadmin #opensource #scientists #canberra #cbr #phenotyping #farming #crops #researcher #digitalmedia #university #copenhagen

Last updated 1 year ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
3448 followers · 2022 posts · Server aus.social

Hi folx! It's been a minute since I did one of my posts, where I hand-pick accounts that you might like to follow, using my reach to more richly connect the :fediverse:

Dr @josephguillaume is a at the @ANUFennerSchool where he specialises in -based and support. Joseph was a key contributor to the @AlgFuturesLab series of workshops πŸ‘‹ πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

@ANUResearch is a new arrival to - great to see have an official presence here! This account posts about and and πŸ‘‹ πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

Dr @michealaxelsen is a Senior Lecturer in at UQ πŸ‘‹ πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

Prof Janet Vertesi @cyberlyra is a of at @princeton specialising in πŸ‘‹ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

@erici is a student in / , who is interested in and πŸ‘‹ πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

Professor Anne Pasek @Aepasek is a Professor at where she specialises in , and πŸ‘‹ πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

Dr @katrinagrant is an and at , interested in , , , and πŸ‘‹ πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

@datasociety is the non-profit institute that studies the social implications of -centric technologies and πŸ‘‹

That's all for today!

#connectionlist #introduction #twittermigration #fediverse #researcher #model #science #decision #mastodon #anu #research #technologytransfer #researchtranslation #informationsystems #uniqueensland #professor #sociology #princeton #sts #soil #naarm #melbourne #microbiology #bioinformatics #trentuniversity #climatechange #DigitalInfrastructure #energypolitics #arthistorian #digitalhumanities #maps #glam #landscapes #gardens #museums #data #automation

Last updated 1 year ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
3398 followers · 1937 posts · Server aus.social

It's a while since I've written an post, where I use my large follower count to more richly connect the :fediverse:

So, please meet:

@alyssa - Alyssa is a hacker who works with drivers (THANK YOU!) and who is doing amazing things with stuff on Macs.

@adam42smith is Sebastian Karcher works in at , and works closely with the @zotero project (also THANK YOU!)

@rachelcoldicutt researches and alternative , and helps build intentional

@ed is Stefano Maffulli, the current Executive Director of the Initiative - @osi

@DianaOfPortland is Diana Larasen, and she works in

@photocyte is Dr Tim Fallon, who is a , and and at

@bridgetbarrett is an incoming Assistant at CU Boulder in - working in and and

Please share your own - and help us create a strong and connected :fediverse: ❀️

#introduction #introductions #connections #twittermigration #linux #graphics #gpu #qualitative #data #syracuse #innovation #infrastructures #communities #opensource #leadership #agility #biologist #biochemist #genomics #bioinformatics #postdoc #ucsd #professor #advertising #mediastudies #socialidentity #socialmedia #connectionlist #fediverse

Last updated 1 year ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
3241 followers · 1699 posts · Server aus.social

With the Bird Site implementing New Features*, it's time for another post, where I use my large follower count to more richly connect the :fediverse:

@sarahmei is Head of at πŸ‘‹

@vukosi is Chair of at the University of , and works with Deep Learning and to aid African language technologies πŸ‘‹

@TomHoneyman leads work at - the Australian Research Data Commons - to increase the recognition of as a output πŸ‘‹

@trao is Tanushree and she is doing a at where she works on , , and . She's into and πŸ‘‹

@KohaILS is the account for the integrated system developed in , and used around the world πŸ‘‹

@verena_distler is a at ain who works on in and πŸ‘‹

@wikidata is the account for the project, which aims to create of that can be re-used openly across the world πŸ‘‹ ⌨️

Don't forget to post your own so we can more richly connect the ❀️

#connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #joinmastodon #twittermigration #fediverse #engineering #backerkit #datascience #Pretoria #indaba #Masakhane #nlp #ardc #researchsoftware #research #phd #stockholm #university #aid #migration #inequality #institutions #rstats #dataviz #opensource #library #aotearoa #glam #postdoc #unibw #munich #hci #security #privacy #usableSecurity #mastodon #wikidata #ontologies #opendata

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
3210 followers · 1664 posts · Server aus.social

In today's , where I use my large following to more richly connect the :fediverse: please meet:

@nedcpr is Ned Cooper, and he is my colleague at the School of - he's running a at the moment - see hci.social/@nedcpr/11014657837 for more - especially if you use

@davidschlangen is a of at in πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ His paper "Targeting the benchmark" is really important for me - arxiv.org/abs/2007.04792

@letsencrypt is the official account for Let's Encrypt, which provides https certificates - that provides SSL for web servers (also vale Peter Eckersley / pde)

@horms is a dev, who focuses on networks and . πŸ”Œ

@osuosl is the at - they providing for a bunch of and projects

#connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #fediverse #phd #anu #cybernetics #survey #chatgpt #professor #computationallinguistics #unipotsdam #germany #mastodon #linux #kernel #nics #opensource #lab #oregonstateuniversity #hosting #foss #floss

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
3203 followers · 1657 posts · Server aus.social

It's been a while since I've done an post, where I use my large follower count to more closely connect the :fediverse:

Please meet:

@lucianofloridi is a and in and studies, where he researches , etc. One of his favourite papers of mine is where he casts "privacy as friction" - link.springer.com/article/10.1

@Mer__edith is President of @signalapp, formerly of @ainowinstitute@twitter.com, founded with @Katecrawford and

@lessig is also a hero of mine - a , and political activist, proponent of licensing, and advocate πŸ™‡

@jgcarpenter is a and of and the relationships humans have with machines (check her out on the latest ep of @algfutures podcast!)

The Free Software Foundation is new to at @fsf - and they advocate for , and .

@PERN is Economies Network, and inquires into and systems - they have a talk coming up soon from @xiaochang@twitter.com from :


That's all for tonight, don't forget to post your own ❀️

#introduction #followfriday #twittermigration #fediverse #professor #academic #sts #science #technology #privacy #agency #nyu #lawyer #creativecommons #foss #opensource #researcher #scholar #robotics #hci #mastodon #floss #platform #research #sociotechnical #stanford #connectionlist

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
3045 followers · 1415 posts · Server aus.social

It's been a while since I've done a post, where I use my large follower count to more richly connect us, so here's some folx you might like to follow on the :fediverse:

@Rushkoff writes books about , and and is of Media Theory and at , and works with the

@FAccT is the @ACM conference on , and primarily in and .

@drclaireh is a specialising in deception, manipulation and agression online.

@mucephie is June Parsons and they are into at @yorkuniversity - author of dorado.py for observatory 🐍

@eirliani is a Doctoral student at and is into and

@pyconau is the official conference account 🐍

@jadedarko is passionate about the and and she is a full-time and

That's all for today, don't forget to share your own so we can connect the :fediverse: more richly ❀️

#connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #fediverse #media #technology #society #professor #digital #economics #cuny #queens #iftf #fairness #accountability #transparency #machinelearning #artificalintelligence #corpus #linguist #astrophysics #data #phd #harvard #datascience #humanrights #pyconau #pycon #python #environment #socialjustice #django #dev

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2977 followers · 1312 posts · Server aus.social

Good morning folx of the :fediverse: In today's post, where I use my large follower count to more richly connect us together, I'd like you to meet:

@andreiz - Andrei is a , , and , who also loves πŸ‘‹

@sdbreslin is Sam and she has recently moved instances. She's a of , , and πŸ‘‹

@Frederik_Borgesius is a of at , and does interdisciplinary on and πŸ‘‹

@agvbergin is a former who worked in , and is now in , with a focus on πŸ‘‹

Dr @alexbfree is a , and holds a in human . πŸ‘‹

@macarenaquiroga is into , and and , and works as a instructor. The Carpentries is a volunteer movement to provide researchers with digital and skills to help them with their research.

@Tibor is a , and into , and is the creator of , which was recently shut down by Melon Usk as part of the Twitter API restrictions. Boo. πŸ‘‹

Don't forget to create your own lists of folks to follow ❀️

#fediverse #connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #coder #foodie #photographer #traveler #beer #researcher #gender #computerscience #engineering #entrepreneurship #professor #law #ihub #research #digitalization #society #technical #editor #publishing #webdev #a11y #engineer #phd #data #relations #linguistics #education #cognitivepsychology #rstats #thecarpentries #devops #journalist #dev #movetodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2947 followers · 1281 posts · Server aus.social

Good evening ! :fediverse: In tonight's post, where I use my large follower count to more richly connect the Fediverse, I'd like you to meet:

@ana_valdi is a lecturer in , and at @oiioxford, and she convened (with Prof Benedetta Brevini from UniSyd) an excellent workshop a couple weeks ago on the of πŸ“Š

You can check it out at:

@scipy is the official account for the Scientific conference, 🐍

@sarvk is Dr Sarvnaz Karimi and she is an researcher t 's and is publicity director for @aclmeeting πŸ‘‹

@ramikrispin is a and focused on and πŸ‘‹

@jojannekevdbosch does and is a speaker, , and into Entangled πŸ‘‹

@Wolven is Dr Damien P. Williams, who is an Asst of and at πŸ‘‹

@Fennia is Sarah and she is a Senior at , who does a lot of work in . She's into and πŸ‘‹

@amorphic is James and he is a and proponent who loves , and :\m/:

That's all for tonight, I'll provide another list tomorrow, and don't forget to create your own lists so we can connect the Fediverse ❀️

#fediverse #connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #ai #government #policy #lifecycle #algorithms #python #scipy #nlp #csiro #data61 #datascience #engineeringmanager #rstats #julialang #creativestrategy #tedx #trainer #artist #professor #philosophy #uncc #infosec #engineer #redhat #dei #opensource #privacy #ethics #diversity #maker #technology #homebrew #heavymetal

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2902 followers · 1219 posts · Server aus.social

Good evening good folx of the :fediverse: In tonight's post, where I use my high follower count to connect us more richly, I'd like you to meet:

@CriticalAI is an initiative at which is taking a critical perspective to all things . I've been to several of their seminars featuring folks like @emilymbender and @vukosi and they're fantastic!


@sglassmeyer is Sarah and they're a and into , and πŸ‘‹

Dr @irisvirus is Iris and they do at . They're new here, let's give them a warm welcome πŸ‘‹

@shenki is Joel and he's into , like and is also a πŸ‘‹ (big ups for the regex-in-less tip btw!)

@nitashatiku is the reporter at the @washingtonpost - warm welcome to , Nitasha! πŸ‘‹

@cobalt is a advocate, , and is into , , and . Based in πŸ‘‹

@passamezzo is a , and . Into , πŸ‘‹

That's all for tonight, don't forget to post your own connection lists so we can connect the Fediverse! ❀️

#fediverse #connectionlist #followfriday #introduction #interdisciplinary #rutgers #ai #law #librarian #lawtech #a2j #InformationScience #crystallography #dataprocessing #lawrenceberkeley #researcher #academic #opensource #embeddedsystems #arduino #runner #running #tech #culture #mastodon #disability #caregiver #technology #science #photography #geology #phoenix #arizona #musician #historian #mother #earlymusic #earlymodern #tudor #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2879 followers · 1154 posts · Server aus.social

Good evening :fediverse:! In this edition of the , where I post to help people with the and to more richly connect the Fediverse, I'd like you to meet:

@marthawells - Martha is the of among other titles, the series of novellas, which I have been gleefully devouring over summer.

@dirkriehle is a who is interested in , and

@phantomspacecop is a and and is also into . wetcloudmedia.com/

@TheSteve0 is a at and does a lot of work with , and .

@kaessa is a , ex πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ and does creative things like bebemonstre.com/

@thepacketrat is a at and a contributor at @arstechnica

@lexis is a and at the @citizenlab. Lex teaches at @mcgillu lexgill.com/

That's all for tonight, don't forget to share your own ! ❀️

#connectionlist #introduction #introductions #twittermigration #author #murderbot #researcher #entrepreneur #academic #professor #opensource #innersource #productmanagement #visual #motion #designer #infosec #devrel #developeradvocate #vmware #postgresql #java #r #genx #geek #navy #threatresearcher #sophos #itsec #secops #lawyer #fellow

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2822 followers · 1062 posts · Server aus.social

Good morning folx of :fediverse: ! I interrupt swearing at and to bring you today's , where I help to more richly connect the Fediverse.

@terrytangyuan is a engineer who is co-chair of and maintains (thank you!).

@yarnspinner is a tool for , brought to you by the team @thesecretlab

@Cerchie is Lucia who is a at , based in the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‘‹

@ocramz is Marco and he is into and

@lira is into , and

@frankjhopwood is a candidate at working on technology for . Fun Frisian fact: did you know that "keks" in Frisian means "cookies"?! Cakes and cookies! (Sorry I've always found that very amusing! 🍰 πŸͺ )

@blairpalese is Director of at and Media Director and Editor at Climate and Capital Media. She's into 🌱

Don't forget to share your own so we can connect more widely ❀️

#fediverse #cuda #torch #connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #machinelearning #kubernetes #opensource #MLOps #kubeflow #tensorflow #dialogue #dialog #gamesdev #devrel #developeradvocate #confluent #ml #nlp #Ξ» #lambda #nlproc #poetry #computerscience #philosophy #phd #researcher #academic #groningen #speech #speechsynthesis #tts #frisian #philanthropy #ethinvest #greenfinance #climaterisk #environment

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2812 followers · 1047 posts · Server aus.social

Good afternoon :fediverse: Hope you're all doing fine this hot Saturday afternoon, and if you're in , keep an eye on the in your region.

In today's post, where I use my large # of followers to more richly connect the Fediverse, I'd like you to meet:

@josiefraser is based in πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ and leads at the National Lottery Heritage Fund. She is into and

@s is Head of at , which I use heavily for and stuff. I sync it with . He is into , specifically (ohai, on here) and other and things. In you follow you might want to follow Simon.

@DrLinguo is a , who runs the @linguisticsmemes and @academiamemes which are both work a fellow, I mean, follow :blobcatgiggle:

@drbeard79 is Dr Andrew McInnes, who is a in Romanticisms at University πŸŽ“

@robinsones is Emily and they (not assuming pronouns) are a , and of the "Build a Career in Data Science" book. They are currently in the market for a senior role so if you are then let Emily know! πŸ“Š

That's all for today, don't forget to curate your own .

#fediverse #adelaide #safires #connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #london #digital #policy #digitaltransformation #eSafety #edtech #engineering #overleaf #academic #research #git #linux #gentoo #ubuntu #foss #opensource #latex #linguist #edgehill #researcher #datascientist #author #datascience #hiring #recruiting #reader

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2812 followers · 1047 posts · Server aus.social

Good evening :fediverse: ! It's time for my not-quite-daily post, where I use my large number of followers to more closely connect the Fediverse together, and help people find their people in the .

Please meet:

@effye does and , connecting together various systems. I've followed their work for a long time, huge fan.

@davidasboth is one half of the and is into and

@ConserveChange is a human and at , and is host of the . Interests in and

@ststefany is from πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ and is into , and . Writes in en and ua, for any speakers in your network.

@futilityfunc is a and interested in and does on stochastic and

@CIT is Carolin and they toot in both πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ and πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§. Carolin studies and , and

@monad is Paul Feigelfeld who works in at HBK , Uni Vienna and Uni Basel. Researches πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³

That's it for tonight, don't forget to curate your own ❀️

#fediverse #connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #twittermigration #devops #ducttape #halfstackdatascience #podcast #datascience #softwareengineeering #ecologist #storyteller #guelph #secondtransition #food #foodsystems #climateaction #science #sustainability #epistemology #ethics #feminism #ukrainian #ΡƒΠΊΡ€Π°Ρ—Π½ΡΡŒΠΊΠ° #datascientist #complexityscience #complexity #research #graphmodels #DynamicSystems #cybernetics #systems #organisationdevelopment #anthropology #psychology #researcher #professor #knowledgecultures #braunschweig

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2786 followers · 1029 posts · Server aus.social

Good evening :fediverse:! How are we all doing this fine Tuesday? I'm taking a break from and to bring you this evening's edition of the post, where I try to more closely connect the Fediverse together.

Please meet:

@rowlandm is a practitioner and πŸ‘‹

@natashamitchell is the host of the , and you might want to catch the episode that was recorded live at the exhibition with @feraldata last year - at abc.net.au/radionational/progr

@InclusiveLucie is the author of Queer Roma and has a in applied social science and is interested in and

@SuzeNorth is the for the School of Biomedical Sciences at . Interests in and

@yinaar is a person of Weilwan, Gamilaraay and Dharawal descent and is into , , and πŸ‘‹

Who is on your ?

#fediverse #latex #overleaf #connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #diversity #equity #inclusion #dei #writer #sciencefriction #podcast #australiancybernetic #phd #openaccess #criticalwhiteness #academic #researcher #research #manager #unimelb #ozchemistry #womeninstem #creative #firstnations #offgrid #tech #politics #solar

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2786 followers · 1028 posts · Server aus.social

Good morning :fediverse:! Hope you've all had a great weekend. In this morning's post, in which I help to more richly connect us together, I'd like you to meet:

@ZoeGlatt is a candidate and , and founder of @DigitalEthnographyCollective. They (not assuming pronouns) are submitting in March and are interested in jobs researching culture, and

@ndporter is into , and and works with the . The is a volunteer-driven movement to provide with foundational computational skills in technologies like 🐍, ⌨️ and πŸ’»

@pip works in for at

@safiyanoble is the author of "Algorithms of Oppression", which if you haven't read it, should be on your reading list, especially if you're into or . It sits in a similar space to @VirginiaEubanks "Automating Inequality" and shows how algorithms serve to reinforce existing structures of oppression, particularly of POC.

@fionatribe is a person who is interested in , and

@metasecsol works as an researcher at the and as a in

#fediverse #connectionlist #introduction #connections #phd #digitalethnography #researcher #socialmedia #creativelabour #creativeindustries #socialscience #data #dataequity #carpentries #researchers #python #git #hpc #programming #design #ai #csiro #productmanagement #aiethics #fairml #CulturalAnthropology #materialculture #architecture #anthropology #infosec #w3 #Lecturer #informationsecurity #devsecops

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2754 followers · 995 posts · Server aus.social

Good evening :fediverse:! In tonight's post, where I help to more richly connect the Fediverse, I'd like you to meet:

@unsw_ai is research centre πŸ‘‹

@oj_gstrein is the Director of and society at the University of πŸ‘‹

@hollie is enthusiastic about , , the , , and (me, too Hollie! 🧢 πŸ‘‹ )

@futilityfunc is a person who is interested in , , and πŸ‘‹

@mythopoetica is a Senior in and and is into πŸ‘‹

@peridragon designs colourful patters and is into and Knit long and prosper, Peridragon! πŸ‘‹

@HackingDave is the of Binary Defense and TrustedSec and works in and is a πŸ‘‹

@Ellopunk is into 🐧, and is into πŸ‘‹

@ErikC is an at UniSA and is into , and πŸ‘‹

Don't forget to build your own so we can more richly connect the Fediverse ❀️

#fediverse #introduction #connectionlist #twittermigration #UNSW #ai #datascience #groningen #researcher #academic #nature #puns #indieweb #reading #sewing #knitting #complexity #DynamicSystems #systems #cybernetics #Lecturer #literature #creativewriting #criticaltheory #history #biology #startrek #founder #infosec #hacker #linux #threatmodeling #digitalhumanities #virtualheritage #seriousgames #followfriday

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2697 followers · 949 posts · Server aus.social

Good morning :fediverse: In this morning's post, I'm bringing you another list of folx you should consider following - so we more richly and deeply connect the .

@jess is a Staff in with interests in and πŸ‘‹

@shirley works in and combines and to make wonder and hope πŸ‘‹

@alisonmarigold is a πŸ‘‹

@hackuador does , specifically the type πŸ‘‹

@steveblackburn is a who specialises in πŸ‘‹

@afsanehrazi is an Assistant at and she research , and πŸ‘‹

@jujuliagrace is a and who is opposing privitisation of the πŸ‘‹

Professor @Prof_Klinger is a and πŸ‘‹

@georgelakoff is Emeritus at UC in cognitive and - his Metaphors we Live By is a favourite πŸ‘‹

That's all for this morning, don't forget to build your own so we can more closely connect the ❀️

#introduction #connectionlist #followfriday #twittermigration #fediverse #softwareengineer #opensource #web #testing #dataviz #code #art #mycologist #scientist #software #functional #fp #computerscience #professor #academic #researcher #garbagecollection #drexel #hci #privacy #safety #doctor #activist #nhs #geographer #supplychain #berkeley #linguistics #philosophy

Last updated 2 years ago