What is your best pain relief hack apart from taking prescribed medication? Let's share some good ideas. #EDS #FlexibleLife #EhlersDanlosSyndome #EDSchat #Hypermobility #ConnectiveTissueDisorder #HSD #EhlersDanlosLife #Bendy #EhlersDanlos
Remember we are all individuals: what works for you, will not work for everyone. However, I think we have all probably tried a myriad of things over the years and therefore have expertise in this area.
#eds #flexiblelife #ehlersdanlossyndome #edschat #hypermobility #connectivetissuedisorder #HSD #ehlersdanloslife #bendy #ehlersdanlos
I want to reconnect with my #EhlersDanlosSyndrome community. So, let's start with a chat.
What's the most original way you have managed to injure yourself?
#EhlersDanlos #EDS #hyperlaxité #Hypermobility #Hypermobilität #hiperlaxitud #EDSChat #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #POTs #MCAS #ChronicFatigue #HMS #EDSLife #EDS #Disability #NEISVoid #DisabledResilience #EhlersDanlosLife #エーラースダンロス症候群 #VEDS #תסמונותאהלרסדנלוס #flexibilidad #Bendy #Wobbly #flexibility #ConnectiveTissueDisorder #MarfansSyndrome
Also welcome to comment are Marfans Syndrome, Hypermobility Syndrome, or any other connective tissue disorder people.
#ehlersdanlossyndrome #ehlersdanlos #eds #hyperlaxite #hypermobility #hypermobilitat #hiperlaxitud #edschat #chronicpain #chronicillness #pots #mcas #chronicfatigue #HMS #edslife #disability #neisvoid #disabledresilience #ehlersdanloslife #エーラースダンロス症候群 #veds #תסמונותאהלרסדנלוס #flexibilidad #bendy #wobbly #flexibility #connectivetissuedisorder #marfanssyndrome
Think I've nearly put the final pieces of the jigsaw together. Autistic reaction to being hypermobile would explain pretty much everything. I know there's links between ADHD and Hypermobility.. Is it similar with Autism? Any crossover more than typical population. Is autism adhd a secondary result of connective tissue disorder?
#autism #hypermobility #adhd #NeurodivergentGreatAunt #ehlerdanlos #connectivetissuedisorder
RT @sibylle_berlin@twitter.com
So much suffering. Such terrible diseases. Cruelly ignored. For so many people. I don't care what the trigger was/is - we all need help #Lyme #PostVac #LongCovid #MEcfs #CCI #FQToxicity #PoTS #SmallFiber #EDS #MCAS #ConnectiveTissueDisorder #MitochondrialDamage #Microclots …
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sibylle_berlin/status/1596519602887892992
#microclots #mitochondrialdamage #connectivetissuedisorder #mcas #eds #SmallFiber #pots #fqtoxicity #cci #mecfs #LongCovid #PostVac #lyme