Mid-afternoon. School assignment on strategic narratives done. Out running an errand or two. Actually sitting at the rescue squad right now updating my phone in the good wifi. That’s a rural thing: internet connectivity sucks. There have been some grants given out, and I’m supposed to get fiber optic coming down my road in 2023 or 2024. #wifi #connectivity #connectivityproblems #rurallife
#wifi #connectivity #connectivityproblems #rurallife
Crypto Market Rout Fuels Global Exchange Volumes — Kraken, Coinbase Report Connectivity and Latency Delays - Amid the market carnage on Tuesday, Nov. 8, the top ten cryptocurrency exchanges h... - https://news.bitcoin.com/crypto-market-rout-fuels-global-exchange-volumes-kraken-coinbase-report-connectivity-and-latency-delays/ #connectivityproblems #binanceacquiresftx #globaltradevolume #toptenexchanges #$201.62billion #exchangevolume #ftxtradevolume #$14.19billion #$46.92billion #exchanges
#exchanges #ftxtradevolume #exchangevolume #toptenexchanges #globaltradevolume #binanceacquiresftx #connectivityproblems
Crypto Market Rout Fuels Global Exchange Volumes — Kraken, Coinbase Report Connectivity and Latency Delays
#connectivityproblems #BinanceAcquiresFTX #GlobalTradeVolume #toptenexchanges #$201.62billion #exchangevolume #FTXTradeVolume #$14.19billion #$46.92billion #latencydelays #HuobiGlobal #Binance.us #Exchanges #BitFinex #BitStamp #Coinbase #Binance #Gemini
#connectivityproblems #BinanceAcquiresFTX #GlobalTradeVolume #toptenexchanges #exchangevolume #FTXTradeVolume #latencydelays #HuobiGlobal #binance #exchanges #bitfinex #bitstamp #coinbase #gemini