The #HHMIJanelia FlyEM MANC #connectome is now available on #Drosophila #Neuroscience researchers can use this tool to match the MANC electron #microscopy (EM) data against light microscopy (LM) data, like that from the Janelia FlyLight project. A user can interactively examine matches right in the browser by clicking the "View in 3D" button. Interactive views are sharable, too... (1/3)
#microscopy #neuroscience #drosophila #connectome #HHMIJanelia
Mapping multi-modal #brain #connectome for brain disorder diagnosis via cross-modal mutual learning Potentially relevant to charting perceptual processing in sensory substitution for the blind; #crossmodal #multisensory #AI #neuroscience
#neuroscience #ai #multisensory #crossmodal #connectome #brain
On Monday, there will be a talk on how to simulate a #connectome: discover the potential of connectivity measurements in predicting #neuralactivity and advancing our understanding of #neuralcircuits, by Srini Turaga:
📍 University of #Bonn
⏰ June 19, 2023, 12 pm CET
🌍 email at for Zoom meeting details
#connectome #neuralactivity #neuralcircuits #bonn #compneuro #computationalneuroscience #neuroscience
Today's #neuroscience news includes the release of the first fully-reconstructed #connectome for the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the adult #drosophila. This data set, known as the "MANC", is the result of collaboration between the FlyEM team at #HHMIJanelia and teams from the University of #Cambridge and #Google Research. (1/5)
#google #cambridge #HHMIJanelia #drosophila #connectome #neuroscience
Analyses the #Hemibrain #Drosophila #connectome with graph theory and discovers neuron communites. Then applies the same method to a light-microscopy dataset of the zebrafish larval brain where they first infer synaptic connectivity by proximity and then proceed to discover neuron communities.
Tagging as #connectomics #neuroscience #GraphAnalysis #GraphTheory
#graphtheory #graphanalysis #neuroscience #connectomics #connectome #drosophila #hemibrain
#connectome #insectbrain #flylarvabrain
"Some of the architectural features observed in the Drosophila larval brain, including multilayer shortcuts and prominent nested recurrent loops, are found in state-of-the-art artificial neural networks, where they can compensate for a lack of network depth and support arbitrary, task-dependent computations. "
#connectome #insectbrain #flylarvabrain
note to self:
factor in publisher more
some publishers are shallow, bring books into circulation valuable only to achieve hyper speed reads
other publishers deliver knowledge and help to establish more connections in the #connectome
#book #publisher value / correlation
Echoes in time, nickelback, and Venus oceans, this week in science! ⚛️🧊⚡🧠⚗️🌊
Fast shutter
Time mirror
Brain map
#ThisWeekInScience #physics #DynamicDisorder #chaos #iceberg #TimeReflections #connectome #BrainMap #neuroscience #precursor #life #protein #nickelback #venus #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#twis #thisweekinscience #physics #dynamicdisorder #chaos #iceberg #timereflections #connectome #brainmap #neuroscience #precursor #life #protein #nickelback #venus #Science #sciencealert #stem
My science outreach take on our work mapping and analyzing the #connectome of the #Drosophila larval brain, this time in catalan:
#ciencia #catala #cadadiaciencia #drosophila #connectome
@NicoleCRust Thanks, and indeed, it is fantastic that the paper on the complete #connectome of the #Drosophila larval brain has captured the interest of so many. The Spanish media alone has interviewed me half a dozen times, many more have put out a news piece about it, and still this week I am getting requests to speak on the radio and TV to explain the details of the findings and their significance. It's been an opportunity to do science outreach, and I am embracing it.
An interview with John Tuthill @tuthill AKA Mr. #SnowFly (the invertebrate equivalent of crows flying at -20C in the Alps) and #Drosophila nerve cord #connectome explorer.
#connectome #drosophila #snowfly
The #FruitFly larva #connectome is an important advance because it's "closer in many regards to a human brain than the other ones," says Joshua Vogelstein, an author of the study and an associate professor of biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins University.
The first wiring map of an #insect's #brain hints at incredible complexity
#brain #insect #connectome #fruitfly
A synapse-by-synapse map of a brain
Complete synaptic-resolution connectomes have until now only been mapped for three organisms with up to several hundred brain neurons. Winding et al. describe a three-dimensional electron microscopy–based reconstruction of the larval fruit fly brain. The brain of the Drosophila larva has an order of magnitude more neurons, an even greater scale more synapses, and a complex brain organization.
#Neuroscience #Brain #Connectome #Connectomics #Synapses #Synaptic #Drosophila
#drosophila #Synaptic #synapses #connectomics #connectome #brain #neuroscience
1st complete map of an fruitfly's #brain contains 3,016 neurons. Can we move into another insect 😊 #connectome or not #connectome
Today the peer-reviewed version of our preprint is out:
"The #connectome of an insect brain"
Congrats to co-first authors Michael Winding and Benjamin Pedigo, and to all our lab members and collaborators who made this work possible over the years. A journey that started over 10 years ago–and yet this is but a new beginning. So much more to come.
See my #tootprint on the preprint from back in the Autumn:
The data is available both as supplements and directly via #CATMAID thanks to hosting by the #VirtualFlyBrain:,%20%7B%20type:%20%22neuron-search%22,%20id:%20%22neuron-search-1%22,%20options:%20%7B%22annotation-name%22:%20%22papers%22%7D%7D,%200.6)
(The "Winding, Pedigo et al. 2023" annotation listing all included neurons will appear very soon in an upcoming update.)
#drosophilalarva #drosophila #connectomics #neuroscience #VirtualFlyBrain #catmaid #tootprint #connectome
By #connectome analysis, we previously showed that the ciliary photoreceptors synaptically connect through interneurons to the head serotonergic ciliomotor neurons (Ser-h1). Serotonin increases ciliary beating and genetic inhibition of these cells blocked the effect of pressure on cilia, confirming that the pressure signal reaches the ciliated cells via the mapped circuit.
#Genetic architecture of the white matter #connectome of the human #brain by @sha_zhiqiang,@ClydeFrancks,@ProfSimonFisher
Boost your brain mycelium? Mushrooms magnify memory by boosting nerve growth #neuroscience #connectome
@tuthill Making giant strides yourself–and not at all slowly! It's amazing to see the #Drosophila nerve cord #connectome emerge step by step, each circuit alongside its physiology and behaviour.
"Simulation-based inference for efficient identification of generative models in connectomics"
#Neuroscience #ComputationalNeuroscience #MachineLearning #SimulationBasedInference #Inference #Connectome #Connectivity
#arxivfeed #neuroscience #computationalneuroscience #machinelearning #simulationbasedinference #inference #connectome #connectivity