#BeagleBoard I'm now playing mix and match between guides to see what works with #connman. My ethernet and wifi will both a.) connect on restart/boot and b.) retain their mac addresses or I will get NetworkManager on here somehow.
Note to #connman: my network is MAC filtered and IP reserved. No, you can't get in unless the MAC is recognized. For God's sake who hurt you?
Okay, can anyone tell me how to automatically enable and auto connect to wifi using #connman? From what I can find in google, everyone is really into doing it manually every time and likes randomized macs.
I do not think I belong here. Sure, I sometimes want to set #NetworkManager on fire, but it does understand I really do want to use wifi.
I throw in the towel. Not going to waste any more time with #connman and #antix. I'm so mad that I'm considering now to install #astra linux - the special edition. But then, I probably should first learn the Russian language...
After all the #command_line training I've had lately I thought that taming #antiX #Linux would be easy, but I probably underestimated the thing...
I''ll try to read the docs for #ConnMan(!?) a little while longer.
#antix #linux #connman #command_line