Starting my first stream since Con Nooga tonight! I will be playing some Cattails, and basically be a retro-looking cat during the stream. Tune in live, guys!
#Twitch #ENVtubers #VtuberUprsing #ConNooga #TwitchAffiliates #Cattails #Vtuber #VtubersEN
#twitch #ENVtubers #vtuberuprsing #connooga #twitchaffiliates #cattails #vtuber #VtubersEN
Convention Tuesdays: ConNooga / Decepta Con 2023
Welcome to the Convention Tuesdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Convention Tuesdays will feature and highlight conventions happening during the upcoming weekend in the State of Alabama, or within
#ConventionTalkStuff #Connooga #ConNooga2022 #Cons #ConventionCalendar #ConventionEvents #ConventionInformation #Conventions #DeceptaCon #DeceptaCon2023
#conventiontalkstuff #connooga #connooga2022 #cons #conventioncalendar #conventionevents #conventioninformation #conventions #deceptacon #deceptacon2023