#PlaneAlert ICAO: #AAD246 Tail: #N797CP
Owner: #ConocoPhillips
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G550
2023/09/10 12:28:12
#GLF5 #OilSpill #ManMadeClimateChange #ClimateCrisis https://xkcd.com/1732/
#planealert #aad246 #n797cp #conocophillips #gulfstream #glf5 #oilspill #manmadeclimatechange #climatecrisis
ThinkProgress: #Energy and #GlobalWarming Novermber 13. 2009: #Energy industry gives heavily to #SenateFinance panel
"The findings underscore the paradoxical role #Texas plays in the energy world. As home to #ExxonMobil and #ConocoPhillips, it spews more carbon dioxide than any other state in the U.S., and more even than all of Canada. That’s one reason the state’s political leadership is at war with the Obama administration over cap-and-trade plans -- jobs in the oil patch could suffer mightily.
"On the other hand, Texas’ unusual combination of windy prairies, available transmission lines and a wide-open attitude toward energy investment helped the western part of the state become the wind-power capital of the country in less than a decade, further helping reduce emissions." (!!!)
#ExxonKnew #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #ExtremeWeather #Climate
#energy #globalwarming #senatefinance #texas #exxonmobil #conocophillips #exxonknew #ClimateCrisis #climatecatastrophe #extremeweather #climate
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #AAD246 Tail: #N797CP Flt: #N797CP
Owner: #ConocoPhillips
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G550
2023/06/20 18:19:30
#GLF5 #OilSpill #ManMadeClimateChange #ClimateCrisis https://xkcd.com/1732/
#planealert #aad246 #n797cp #conocophillips #gulfstream #glf5 #oilspill #manmadeclimatechange #climatecrisis
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #AAD246 Tail: #N797CP Flt: #N797CP
Owner: #ConocoPhillips
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G550
2023/06/19 20:39:30
#GLF5 #OilSpill #ManMadeClimateChange #ClimateCrisis https://xkcd.com/1732/
#planealert #aad246 #n797cp #conocophillips #gulfstream #glf5 #oilspill #manmadeclimatechange #climatecrisis
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #AAD246 Tail: #N797CP Flt: #N797CP
Owner: #ConocoPhillips
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G550
2023/06/15 19:39:26
#GLF5 #OilSpill #ManMadeClimateChange #ClimateCrisis https://xkcd.com/1732/
#planealert #aad246 #n797cp #conocophillips #gulfstream #glf5 #oilspill #manmadeclimatechange #climatecrisis
Flt: #N797CP #ConocoPhillips
First seen: 2023/06/13 13:50:08
Min Alt: 12500 ft MSL
Min Dist: 2.3 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
#aad246 #n797cp #conocophillips
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #AAD246 Tail: #N797CP Flt: #N797CP
Owner: #ConocoPhillips
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G550
2023/06/13 13:47:35
#GLF5 #OilSpill #ManMadeClimateChange #ClimateCrisis https://xkcd.com/1732/
#planealert #aad246 #n797cp #conocophillips #gulfstream #glf5 #oilspill #manmadeclimatechange #climatecrisis
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #AAD246 Tail: #N797CP Flt: #N797CP
Owner: #ConocoPhillips
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G550
2023/06/12 20:18:23
#GLF5 #OilSpill #ManMadeClimateChange #ClimateCrisis https://xkcd.com/1732/
#planealert #aad246 #n797cp #conocophillips #gulfstream #glf5 #oilspill #manmadeclimatechange #climatecrisis
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #AAD246 Tail: #N797CP
Owner: #ConocoPhillips
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G550
2023/06/06 13:44:50
#GLF5 #OilSpill #ManMadeClimateChange #ClimateCrisis https://xkcd.com/1732/
#planealert #aad246 #n797cp #conocophillips #gulfstream #glf5 #oilspill #manmadeclimatechange #climatecrisis
Alexander Downer diddled Timor Leste and gave the helium in the Bayu-Undan gas field away for free.
We also gave away the helium in the Greater Sunrise field to #Woodside Petroleum consortium.
“Helium is mostly recovered from flows of natural gas, and the Bayu-Undan field in the Timor Sea had more than enough to justify extraction.
“#ConocoPhillips, the operators of that field, got it for free, and sent it via pipeline to a liquified natural gas plant in Darwin. The US oil major then sold the helium fraction to BOC Australia, owned by the multinational industrial gases group Linde, which opened a plant next door to the Darwin LNG terminal in 2010.”
#woodside #conocophillips #helim #lnpcrimefamily #auspol #gas #lng
Man kann die Entscheidung der Biden-Administration, das Willow-Projekt im größten unberührten Gebiet der USA zu genehmigen, nur als Beitrag zum Ökozid bezeichnen. Ölförderung durch #ConocoPhillips ist auf Jahrzehnte geplant, obwohl IPCC und IEA eindeutig sagen, dass jedes weitere #fossildevelopment unterbleiben muss. Dieses größte Öl-Projekt der USA dürfte 254 Millionen Tonnen CO2-Emissionen verursachen Die New York Times bringt eine ausführliche Reportage: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/06/climate/willow-alaska-oil-biden.html (6/7)
#conocophillips #fossildevelopment
For example, if Biden wanted to be less unpleasantly similar to Trump, he could have not granted ConocoPhillips oil drilling rights in Alaska--the largest such lease of public lands in US history and a gigantic carbon bomb that renders all his nice words and fiddly edge climate policies into lies.
#climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ConocoPhillips #Willow #USpol
#climate #climatecrisis #climatechange #conocophillips #willow #uspol
Someone paid $350,000/yr by #conocophillips refers to their position as an “independent” board member? 😂
"…takes the administration to task for failing to assess #Willow’s full #climate impact, by neglecting to consider the additional climate pollution of future development…#ConocoPhillips has described Willow to its investors as the “next great #Alaska hub,” saying it had identified a staggering amount of oil, possibly as much as 3 billion barrels…"
#willow #climate #conocophillips #alaska
“Ölbohrungen in #alaska
Junge Menschen weltweit protestieren auf Social Media gegen das #willowproject
#ConocoPhillips will in Alaska Erdöl fördern, 8 Milliarden Dollar investiert der Konzern in das »Willow Project«, genehmigt von der US-Regierung. Nun tobt auf TikTok & Co. ein Sturm der Entrüstung – auch in Deutschland”
https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/usa-alaska-willow-project-und-der-sturm-der-entruestung-bei-social-media-a-60dfb0f0-bfb2-4aef-860b-af759e5a059b?sara_ref=re-so-app-sh #KlimaKrise
#alaska #willowproject #conocophillips #KlimaKrise
The Biden Administration approved ConocoPhillips' Willow Project this week, which will use "thermosyphons" to freeze melting permafrost.
#Technews #climate #worldnews #ARCTIC #projectwillow #ConocoPhillips #big-oil
#technews #Climate #worldnews #arctic #projectwillow #conocophillips #big
When #ConocoPhillips begins drilling in #Alaska at the now approved by Biden #Willow project, they have a problem.
Their Carbon Bomb will accelerate the global warming which is already melting & destabilizing the permafrost their drilling rigs will sit on.
So what do you do? Say "Hmm. maybe this isn't such a good idea after all?"
Nope, you expend even more energy to freeze the permafrost just around your rigs. #ClimateChange
#conocophillips #alaska #Willow #climatechange
"Environmental law group Earthjustice and law firm Trustees for Alaska filed the complaints against the Biden administration's Dept. of Interior and its top officials, the Bureau of Land Management, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and other federal agencies."
#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Alaska #OilDrilling #ConocoPhillips #Biden #Politics #WillowProject
#environment #climate #ClimateChange #alaska #oildrilling #conocophillips #biden #politics #willowproject
Biden had no leverage re WIllow. Lease was signed decades ago; courts overturned drill bans. Drill pads reduced by 40%; ConocoPhillips to relinquish rights to 68,000 acres of existing leases.
#Environment #Alaska #OilDrilling #ConocoPhillips #DepartmentofInterior #Biden
#environment #alaska #oildrilling #conocophillips #departmentofinterior #biden
6 #environmental groups filed a #lawsuit on Tuesday over the #Biden administration’s approval of #ConocoPhillips Willow oil & gas project in #Alaska , which they claimed could be a stepping stone to more development in an #EcologicallySensitive region.
#TrusteesForAlaska , #AlaskaWildernessLeague , #SierraClub , #WildernessSociety & other groups.
#environmental #lawsuit #biden #conocophillips #alaska #ecologicallysensitive #trusteesforalaska #AlaskaWildernessLeague #sierraclub #wildernesssociety