A fun session of #intotheodd at #conofthenorth this afternoon, and then back to the room where I've been chewing through "The Magicians" in book form. Interesting differences with the TV series.
Great game of "i'm sorry did you say street magic" last night at #conofthenorth with a bunch of fun folks. We ended up with very little actual magic, but our generation ship with several AI "gods" and the knight who became a king
Heading to Minnesota this weekend for the #ConOfTheNorth
Gonna get my gaming on. Should be fun.
#conofthenorth #ttrpg #pathfinder
All your favorite local cons for 2023 in the @TwinCitiesGeek annual guide: #CONvergence #CONsoleRoom #ConOfTheNorth #VGMCon #SkalCon #Anime Fusion #MNPokéConMini #MarsCon #Minicon #4thStreetFantasy #2DCon #Diversicon and more
#MNastodon #Minnesota #TwinCitiesMN TwinCities #MSP
#anime #msp #twincitiesmn #minnesota #mnastodon #diversicon #2dcon #4thstreetfantasy #minicon #marscon #mnpokeconmini #skalcon #vgmcon #conofthenorth #consoleroom #convergence
So I have this idea that keeps kicking around my head, but I'm not sure I can do it justice. I ran into #tekumel a few years back at #conofthenorth and I love the setting more and more as I figure out bits of it, and I keep thinking Jakálla, The City Half as Old as the World seems like it would have enough organized crime to make a great setting for a #forgedinthedark but I don't feel like know enough of the setting to really make that work.
#tekumel #conofthenorth #forgedinthedark