The subtile hymns are the ones that are touching me the most.
#music #songoftheday #melancholia #nowplaying #tootradio #conoroberst
#music #songoftheday #melancholia #nowplaying #tootradio #conoroberst
TIL that Bright Eyes covered Prince's When You Were Mine (and the feels are comin' on strong).
#NowPlaying #BrightEyes #Prince #WhenYouWereMine #ConorOberst
#conoroberst #whenyouweremine #prince #BrightEyes #NowPlaying
I was excited to see that JUNO has posted another cover today, even more so when I listened to it. Her take on “Lua”, the Bright Eyes song from 2004, is again a very stripped-down version with mainly one guitar and two voices, later a piano sneaking in to make the whole thing even more captivating.
#Music #NewMusic #MusicVideo #LyricVideo #Acoustic #Singer #Vocals #Guitar #Piano #IndiePop #CoverVersion #JUNO #ConorOberst #BrightEyes
#music #newmusic #musicvideo #lyricvideo #acoustic #singer #vocals #guitar #piano #indiepop #coverversion #juno #conoroberst #brighteyes
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicArtistInResidence
Conor Oberst:
🎵 Breezy
#nowplaying #bbc6music #6MusicArtistInResidence #conoroberst
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicArtistInResidence
Conor Oberst:
🎵 Cape Canaveral
#nowplaying #bbc6music #6MusicArtistInResidence #conoroberst
Now, I love the music and lyrics of #conoroberst but did he have to try to rhyme “gone in the autumn” with “persona non grata”? There are so many better options, like… social strata? Fascia lata?
Cells stained with GATA(3)?
Day 10 - song that makes you sad
Conor Oberst - Desert Island Questionnaire
"Say that you were stranded on a desert island, what books you gonna bring? What friends would tag along? Say you had a month and you knew you were dying, how would you spend your time? What goodbyes would take too long? You don't like this game and you take exception. Who wants all this trouble even hypothetical?"
#music #BrightEyes #conoroberst #30daysongchallenge
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #TheMorningAfterMix
Conor Oberst:
🎵 White Shoes
#nowplaying #bbc6music #TheMorningAfterMix #conoroberst
Bank Holiday Monday & I’m #NowPlaying #UpsideDownMountain by #ConorOberst. This 2014 release was weirdly overlooked. It’s a double album with contributions from #FirstAidKit, #MikeMogis, #NateWalcott, & #MWard, among others.
#TimeForgot, #HundredsOfWays, & #EnolaGay are close to peak Oberst (post-#BrightEyes).
This is an OG EU pressing, mastered by #BobLudwig & as is generally the case with Oberst, it’s flawless, dynamic, & well presented.
#nowplaying #upsidedownmountain #conoroberst #firstaidkit #mikemogis #natewalcott #mward #timeforgot #hundredsofways #enolagay #brighteyes #bobludwig #nowlistening #indiepop #vinyl #vinylrecords #music
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SwinginDoors
Conor Oberst, Gillian Welch & David Rawlings:
🎵 Four Strong Winds
#nowplaying #SwinginDoors #conoroberst #gillianwelch #davidrawlings
#Listening to #BetterOblivionCommunityCentre. Despite being a big fan of #ConorOberst (and, in particular, his work with #BrightEyes) this took quite a while to grow on me. Whilst I still think it falls short his best work, Dylan Thomas kicks everything into gear, Forest Lawn is clever and with a sweet hook, and Service Road is just heartbreaking.
#listening #betteroblivioncommunitycentre #conoroberst #brighteyes
#TheBand #Beatles #BelleandSebastian #BigStar #Black47 #BobDylan #BruceSpringsteen #ChetBaker #ConorOberst #DavidBowie #DavidWaxMuseum #DinosaurJr #TheDubliners #EltonJohn #Faces #HermansHermits #JanisJoplin #JimiHendrix #JimmyCliff #JohnColtrane #Kinks #LedZeppelin #LizPhair #TheLowAnthem #Pavement #PeterGabriel #SimonandGarfunkel #PinkFloyd #Renaissance #REOSpeedwagon #RodStewart #RollingStones #RoryGallagher #SonVolt #TheSweet #ThinLizzy #UncleTupelo #VanMorrison #WhiteStripes #TheWho #Wilco
#TheBand #beatles #belleandsebastian #BigStar #black47 #bobdylan #brucespringsteen #chetbaker #conoroberst #davidbowie #davidwaxmuseum #dinosaurjr #thedubliners #EltonJohn #faces #hermanshermits #JanisJoplin #jimihendrix #jimmycliff #johncoltrane #kinks #ledzeppelin #lizphair #thelowanthem #pavement #petergabriel #SimonAndGarfunkel #pinkfloyd #renaissance #reospeedwagon #RodStewart #rollingstones #rorygallagher #sonvolt #thesweet #ThinLizzy #UncleTupelo #VanMorrison #WhiteStripes #Thewho #wilco