So. Many. WIPs.
#WIPwednesday #miniatures #Tyranids #ThousandSons #Warhammer #40k #Dweghom #Conquest #ChaosLegionaries #KillTeam #Khorne #BloodBowl #TerrainPainting
#wipwednesday #miniatures #Tyranids #ThousandSons #warhammer #40k #dweghom #conquest #chaoslegionaries #killteam #Khorne #BloodBowl #terrainpainting
A quotation from Byron, George Gordon, Lord:
Mark! where his carnage and his conquests cease!
He makes a solitude, and calls it — peace!
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #conquest #destruction #devastation #peace #war
#quote #quotes #quotation #conquest #destruction #devastation #peace #war
How have we arrived at the present state of affairs, a #capitalist #hellscape in which life is still a #StruggleToSurvive?
#Property is claimed by blood and #conquest, then used as bludgeon to enslave those who do not have it.
#capitalism #anarchism #socialism #communism #violence #enforcement #PropertyIsTheft
#capitalist #hellscape #struggletosurvive #property #conquest #capitalism #anarchism #socialism #communism #violence #enforcement #propertyistheft
#conquest : the act of overcoming or subduing opposition by force, whether physical or moral
- French: conquête
- German: die Eroberung
- Italian: conquista
- Portuguese: conquista
- Spanish: conquista
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!
Endlich liegt Band 8 der #Conquest Reihe vor mir. Ich freu mich irre drauf. #bibliothek #comic
I'm thinking of picking up the Old Dominion starter set for Conquest. Undead Romans is definitely a vibe I need in my life. #MiniWargaming #MiniaturePainting #MiniPainting #Conquest
#miniwargaming #miniaturepainting #minipainting #conquest
To do:
#Dweghom Army for #Conquest
#Khorne #Bloodbowl Team
#Chaos Legionaries for #KillTeam
House #Delaque
#Necromunda Terrain
I realize seeing progress on the same several things might be getting boring, but I'm trying to keep a rhythm going so I can finish these for their events at my buddy's LGS. Working there has been wonderful so far, and I'm excited to kick off the summer events!
#dweghom #conquest #Khorne #BloodBowl #chaos #killteam #delaque #Necromunda
Progress report:
Today was spent gluing, zenithal priming, and beginning to paint my #Khorne #Bloodbowl Team, and adding more gold details to my #Dweghom army for #Conquest.
I didn't have a flesh color, so I mixed some inks that I *do* own in an attempt to create one myself. My first attempt was using a single drop of blue and white, and two drops each of red and yellow. This was good enough, so I attempted to scale that same formula up to one of my empty dropper bottles.
#Khorne #BloodBowl #dweghom #conquest #miniatures
#Khorne #Bloodbowl Team assembled. The bases were slotted, so I filled them in with Vallejo Earth Texture. I didn't have enough time to glue the #miniatures to their base, so that'll have to wait till tomorrow.
I also added some gold details to my #Dweghom for #Conquest. I've decided to paint all the models so the whole army looks unified, but differentiate the units with their banners. Each different unit has its own color.
#Khorne #BloodBowl #miniatures #dweghom #conquest
#Joshua's Epic #Destruction of #Jericho | #Joshua_Epic_Slaughter."Battles BC (S1, E3) | Full Episode | 189,654 views Jun 23, 2022
In this bloody #first_battle of the #conquest of the #Promised_Land, Joshua's special operations forces secretly #infiltrate and destroy #Jericho.
The walls of Jericho are #believed to be $impenetrable, in Season 1, Episode 3, "Joshua: EPIC #SLAUGHTER."
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Joshua #destruction #Jericho #Joshua_Epic_Slaughter #first_battle #conquest #Promised_Land #infiltrate #believed #SLAUGHTER #INVITE #BattlesBC
Same projects, different day
#Conquest #Dweghom #KillTeam #Chaos #Necromunda #Delaque #Terrain #Miniatures
#conquest #dweghom #killteam #chaos #Necromunda #delaque #terrain #miniatures
Sorry if these posts are repetitive. It's because I'm working on these 4 projects for work, technically. I'm kinda using these posts as a way to keep myself accountable and motivated to finish them soon.
#conquest #killteam #Necromunda #miniatures
Current projects:
Assembling #Conquest #Dweghom Starter Set, priming #KillTeam Chaos Legionaries, and painting #Necromunda Scenery and House Delaque #miniatures.
Let's see how much I can finish today.
#conquest #dweghom #killteam #Necromunda #miniatures
I just randomly stumbled onto the poster for the 1983 Lucio Fulci fantasy movie called Conquest and when I saw the dude in the lower left I immediately thought of Castlevania's cover. So inspiration taken from the poster or just coincidence? #gaming #retrogaming #nes #Konami #castlevania #fantasy #fulci #conquest #fantasymovie #nintendo
#nintendo #fantasymovie #conquest #fulci #fantasy #castlevania #konami #nes #retrogaming #gaming
Vrouwenkoor Allure en het Westfries Mannenkoor hebben elkaar weer gevonden
Nu op Medemblik praat: 'Wognumse koren brengen Conquest of Paradise.'
Lees verder op:
#wognumse #paradise #muziek #koren #cultuur #conquest
It's time for a new BATTLE REPORT! Peter and Andy play #Conquest #TheLastArgumentofKings. His Hundred Kingdoms force is coming to collect taxes from my Nord village - and the Nords aren't having it!
#conquest #thelastargumentofkings
Figure 2. Greek knowledge of Arabians before Pompey’s conquest of Syria (63 BC)
#Arabian #Arabia #Greek #Arabians #Arabias #Greeks
#Arab #Arabs #Contact #Perceptions #History #Academia #Article #Map #Knoweledge #Syria #Pompey #conquest #BC #Andeel
#andeel #bc #conquest #pompey #Syria #knoweledge #map #article #academia #history #perceptions #contact #arabs #arab #greeks #arabias #arabians #greek #arabia #arabian
A quotation from Von Clausewitz, Karl:
The aggressor is always peace-loving (as Bonaparte always claimed to be); he would prefer to take over our country unopposed. To prevent his doing so one must be willing to make war and be prepared for it. In other words it is the weak, those likely to need defense, who should always be armed in order not to be overwh…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #conquest #defense #peace
#conquest : the act of overcoming or subduing opposition by force, whether physical or moral
- French: conquête
- German: die Eroberung
- Italian: conquista
- Portuguese: conquista
- Spanish: conquista
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