Painted Conquest Nords Fenr. Test model for two units of three. Painted by Ben Tuite March 21st, 2023. #ColorsOfConquest #ConquestNords #ConquestTheLastArgumentOfKings #MiniaturePainting #TabletopPainting #Wargaming #fenr #BenTuite #TabletopGames
#tabletopgames #bentuite #fenr #wargaming #tabletoppainting #miniaturepainting #conquestthelastargumentofkings #Conquestnords #colorsofconquest
Here's a 360 of my Errant of the Order of the Shield, of the Hundred Kingdoms faction in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, kindly provided by Para Bellum Wargames
#wargaming #paintslam23 #miniaturepainting #pandaemonium_miniatures #parabellumwargames #colorsofconquest #pathofconquest #conquestthelastargumentofkings
#wargaming #paintslam23 #miniaturepainting #pandaemonium_miniatures #parabellumwargames #colorsofconquest #pathofconquest #conquestthelastargumentofkings
Errant of the Order of the Shield, of the Hundred Kingdoms faction in #ConquestTheLastArgumentOfKings kindly provided by Para Bellum Wargames
Loved painting this one, the sculpting is fantastic, e.g. the draped cloth 😀
#conquestthelastargumentofkings #wargaming #paintslam23 #miniaturepainting
Painted Conquest Nords Troll. First painted Conquest model, and the first of many trolls! looking forward to diving into this! painted by Ben Tuite February 28th, 2023. #Colorsofconquest #Conquestnords #Conquestthelastargumentofkings #Miniaturepainting #Tabletoppainting #Wargaming #Trolls #BenTuite #Tabletopgames
#tabletopgames #bentuite #trolls #wargaming #tabletoppainting #miniaturepainting #conquestthelastargumentofkings #Conquestnords #colorsofconquest
I had some emails to let me know folks have been using my Para Bellum Wargames Conquest affiliate code, which is lovely! 😀
If you want to get yourself a 10% discount on the webstore, my code is 'panda10'
#wargaming #miniaturepainting #conquestthelastargumentofkings
#wargaming #miniaturepainting #conquestthelastargumentofkings
2022 #BoardGame stats. #1 played game is #SpiritIsland at 71 plays, 20 games played overall, 19 different players. Looking forward to more Spirit Island, #conquestthelastargumentofkings #nemesislockdown and #frosthaven next year among others.
#frosthaven #nemesislockdown #conquestthelastargumentofkings #spiritisland #boardgame
Okay, the to start building and painting for a January tournament. Just need to build 24 Valkyries today, no biggie. #conquestthelastargumentofkings #miniaturepainting #wargaming #tabletop #colorsofconquest
#colorsofconquest #tabletop #wargaming #miniaturepainting #conquestthelastargumentofkings
Lovely surprise from just now, the new Knights of the Order of the Crimson Tower, and the Errant of the Order of the Shield 😀😀
Thanks so much!
#miniaturepainting #wargaming #wepaintminis #conquestthelastargumentofkings
#miniaturepainting #wargaming #wepaintminis #conquestthelastargumentofkings