It was good to play games with folks new to me. Hopefuly some new folks will join the #VCSBG #boardgame meetup.
Btw, some advice when typing you name into the con badge system. Check your spelling. Even short names like Tim can be misspelled.
#conquestventura #vcsbg #boardgame
#ConQuestVentura again
On Friday Karl set up Strike: Counterstrike board game by MMP. This is a small magazine game in the GTS system.
We played scenario 2 over a few sessions over Friday and Saturday. The game came down to the wire and the last activation chit on the last turn. The cavalry was able to hold off the Panzer Lehr to win the game.
#ConQuestVentura continued
I was there solely to hang out with folks and to play #boardgames. It was good to see some folks that I have not seen in over 3 years.
Not sure what folks would be attending I brought a mix of euro, card and wargame games with me.
As #ConQuestVentura is a #tabletopgaming con there were #RPG. Sc-fi and historical minis, and #boardgames being played.
Local play space/store Zanders in #Camarillo had a table with Battletech goodies as well as #boardgames from their library.
#conquestventura #tabletopgaming #rpg #boardgames #camarillo
Pics from the inaugural #ConQuestVentura last weekend. 3 days of #tabletopgames in beachy Ventura. The cooler coastal temps were welcomed by many in the recent heatwave.
Luke Gygax, son of D&D creator Gary, was the Founding Guest of Honor at the con.
#conquestventura #tabletopgames
#ConQuestVentura is next weekend. 3 days of #tabletop gaming in downtown #Ventura a stones throw from the Mission. #boardgames, #rpgs , & minis.
I’ll being bringing a mix of board, strategy, and card games suitable for newcomers or experienced gamers.
#conquestventura #tabletop #ventura #boardgames #rpgs #venturacounty
Bunch of other #BoardGames played including Red 7, Cosmic Encounter, Discordia, It's a Wonderful Life.
FYI is the #ConQuestVentura game day in #Ventura
#boardgames #conquestventura #ventura
Monthly #boardgame plays 5x5 for January courtesy of the #bgstatsapp
Little bit light on historical #wargames but lots of variety with 11 #boardgames played that are new to me. Got a few off the #ShelfOfShame in the process. The soon to be released 3-player semi co-op game Land and Freedom on the Spanish Civil War was the standout. So was the first #ConQuestVentura game day. Good times.
#boardgame #bgstatsapp #wargames #boardgames #ShelfOfShame #conquestventura
It’s official. #VenturaCounty is getting a #tabletopgames convention. #ConQuestVentura will take place in July 2023 in the heart of historic San Buenaventura, CA. That’s halfway between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara on the PCH.
Lots of space for open #boardgames, #rpgs, and scheduled events. There will be special Guest of Honor in Luke Gygax. Hope to see you there!
#VCSBG #ventura #socal
#venturacounty #tabletopgames #conquestventura #boardgames #rpgs #vcsbg #ventura #socal
Pictures from the first ConQuest Ventura Game Day at the the historic Dudley House in #ventura. Thanks to Mondo & the two Tinas for organizing & food etc.
A good mix of #VCSBG regulars were in attendance, plus folks we have not seen in yonks, and a bunch of new faces too. Welcome.
Thanks to all of those who brought and taught #boardgames. I got to learn 3 new games and introduced folks to a variety myself.
The next game day is at the end of February. #VenturaCounty #ConQuestVentura
#ventura #vcsbg #boardgames #venturacounty #conquestventura