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from #Israel.
Support the Refusers Youth movement to end the #occupation.
#conscientiousobjectors #israel #occupation
Interested in #PeaceStudies #Peace #Quakers #conscientiousobjectors ? Join an online zoom discussing Quakers and actions past and current. Tap here to register.
#conscientiousobjectors #quakers #Peace #peacestudies
The number of #conscientiousobjectors in #Germany has increased almost fivefold in 2022. A consequence of #Russia 's #aggression against #Ukraine.
#conscientiousobjectors #germany #russia #aggression #ukraine
I am very excited to share this new mastodon page for Courage to Resist, an organization I have worked with for many years. They are a project of #VeteransForPeace and work to support the rights of #USMilitary #WarResisters #ConscientiousObjectors and #WarResisters
Please consider following this page to help get the word out about this project.
#Peace #Antiwar #AntiImperialist #War #SocialJustice #Draft #Conscription
#veteransforpeace #usmilitary #WarResisters #conscientiousobjectors #peace #antiwar #antiimperialist #war #socialjustice #draft #conscription
Very excited to share this new mastodon page for Courage to Resist, an organization I have worked with for many years. They are a project of #VeteransForPeace and work to support the rights of #USMilitary #WarResisters #ConscientiousObjectors and #WarResisters
Please consider following this page to help get the word out about this project.
#Peace #Antiwar #AntiImperialist #War #SocialJustice #Draft #Conscription
#veteransforpeace #usmilitary #warresisters #conscientiousobjectors #peace #antiwar #antiimperialist #war #socialjustice #draft #conscription
Our mission: Supporting the Troops who Refuse to Fight
We are a project of #VeteransForPeace and have a long history of advocating for the rights of #USMilitary #WarResisters #ConscientiousObjectors and #WarResisters
If you are a military servicemember seeking help, please do not send a DM (not secure on mastodon) but instead email us at Our website:
#USAF #USMC #USNavy #USArmy #USSF #USMilitary #GIRights #HumanRights #Peace #AntiWar
#introduction #veteransforpeace #usmilitary #warresisters #conscientiousobjectors #usaf #usmc #usnavy #usarmy #ussf #girights #humanrights #peace #antiwar
Frank Leech: Why I went on Hunger Strike
The following article by a wartime conscientious objector is taken from an April 1944 issue of War Commentary, brought out by the Freedom Group during World War II shortly before its editors were arrested for sedition. Leech (1900-53) was a close collaborator with the group at the time, having edited
#1944 #conscientiousobjectors #FrankLeech #Hungerstrike #WarCommentary
#conscientiousobjectors #FrankLeech #hungerstrike #WarCommentary